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crsctl start/stop crs - Manage start/stop the entire Oracle Clusterware stack on a node, including the OHASD process, this command is to be used only on the local node..

crsctl start/stop cluster - Manage start/stop the Oracle Clusterware stack on local node if you do not specify either -all or -n and nodes remote if option -n or -all be specified , NOT including the OHASD process. You can't start/stop clusterware stack without OHASD process running .

Despite crsctl start/stop crs manage entire Oracle Clusterware stack on local node crsctl start/stop crs not allow you to manage remote nodes, unlike crsctl start/stop cluster that allows you to manage all the nodes, but if the process OASH is runing.

To manage Oracle Clusterware Stack on remote nodes, the ohasd (Oracle High Availability Services Daemon) must be running on all managed nodes. (i.e using crsctl start cluster -n , )

Then if you try use crsctl start cluster -n node1,node2 and your local node is node1 and on node1 or node2 OHASD not running this command will fails. 


1 crsctl start/stop crs 是单节管理 

crsctl start/stop cluster [-all 所有节点] 可以管理多个节点

  2 crsctl start/stop crs 管理crs 包含进程 OHASD

  crsctl start/stop cluster 不包含OHASD进程 必须要先启动 OHASD进程才可以使用

  3  11gr2 rac 手动启动或关闭过程

使用crsctl start/stop cluster手动启动和关闭的过程如下:

crsctl start/stop cluster -all 会启动所有OHAS是启动状态的所有节点

使用crsctl start/stop crs手动启动/关闭流程


crsctl start/stop crs 实际上后面会把Oracle crs 管理的资源都会启动


crsctl start/stop crs


  Enable CRS to start on reboot

 crsctl enable crs

Disable CRS to start on reboot

 crsctl disable crs

  4 查询资源启动情况

crsctl stat res -init -t


crsctl start/stop crs 与crsctl start/stop has 作用相同

