贝锐智能攀枝花建站部专注攀枝花网站设计 攀枝花网站制作 攀枝花网站建设


十年网站开发经验 + 多家企业客户 + 靠谱的建站团队

量身定制 + 运营维护+专业推广+无忧售后,网站问题一站解决


Kubernetes Alone


Single Tenant Ingress

Rolling POD Upgrades

POD Scaling and HA

Stateful Sets of PODS

Multi-Container PODS

Persistent Disk

PKS Adds

Secure Container Registry

Secure Multi Tenant Ingress

Rolling Upgrades of Cluster Infrastructure

Cluster VM and Process Monitoring and Recovery

Cluster Provision & Scaling

OS Provided Via Stemcell

Single Tenant Ingress

Rolling POD Upgrades

POD Scaling and HA

Stateful Sets of PODS

Multi-Container PODS

Persistent Disk

PKS Compared to PAS

.NET Runtimes

Rabbit MQ, MySQL, Pivotal Cloud Cache

Spring Cloud Services

Orgs, Spaces, Quotas


Flexible Service Bindings

Load Balancers - Flexible Network Route Bindings

Metrics and Logging

Droplet Automatically Created by Buildpacks

Service Marketplace

Secure Container Registry (Blob Store)

Secure Multi Tenant Ingress (Go Router)

Rolling Upgrades of Cluster Infrastructure

Cluster VM and Process Monitoring and Recovery

Cluster Provision & Scaling

OS Provided Via Stemcell

Single Tenant Ingress (Go Router + Isolation Segment)

Rolling Droplet Upgrades (Blue Green Deployment)

Droplet Scaling and HA

N/A   Stateful Sets of PODS (in PKS not in PAS)

N/A   Multi-Container PODS  (in PKS not in PAS)

Persistent Disk

