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0x00 快速了解

  • EasyOCR 介绍
  • EasyOCR 参考来源

0x01 安装部署

  • 环境依赖
  • 环境安装
  • 方法参数

0x02 实践案例

  1. 批量识别行程码图片

0x03 入坑出坑

0x00 快速了解

EasyOCR 介绍

Q: 什么是 EasyOCR ?

描述: EasyOCR 是一个用于从图像中提取文本的 python 模块, 它是一种通用的 OCR,既可以读取自然场景文本,也可以读取文档中的密集文本。目前支持 80 多种语言和所有流行的书写脚本,包括:拉丁文、中文、阿拉伯文、梵文、西里尔文等。

Q: 使用 EasyOCR 可以干什么?

描述: EasyOCR 支持两种方式运行一种是常用的CPU,而另外一种是需要GPU支持并且需安装CUDA环境, 我们使用其可以进行图片中语言文字识别, 例如小程序里图片识别、车辆车牌识别(即车债管理系统)。

Tips: 在其官网有demo演示,我们可以使用其进行简单图片ocr识别,地址为https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/ 或者 https://huggingface.co/spaces/tomofi/EasyOCR

EasyOCR Framework

温馨提示: 图中 灰色插槽是可更换的浅蓝色模块的占位符,我们可以重构代码以支持可交换的检测和识别算法 api

EasyOCR 参考来源

官网地址: https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/

项目地址: https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR


文档原文地址: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv

实践视频地址: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nY4y1x7JG

温馨提示: 该项目基于来自多篇论文和开源存储库的研究和代码,所有深度学习执行都基于 Pytorch ,识别模型是 CRNN 它由 3 个主要部分组成:特征提取(我们目前使用 Resnet )和 VGG、序列标记( LSTM )和解码​​( CTC )。 ❤️

0x01 安装部署



  • Python 建议 3.8 x64 以上版本 (原本我的环境是 Python 3.7 安装时各种稀奇古怪的错误都出来,不得已abandon放弃)
  • easyocr 包 -> 依赖 torch 、torchvision 第三方包


  • Note 1.本章是基于 cpu 与 GPU 下使用 EasyOCR, 如果你需要使用 GPU 跑, 那么请你安装相应的CUDA环境。
$ nvidia-smi -l
Fri May 27 14:57:57 2022
| NVIDIA-SMI 465.19.01    Driver Version: 465.19.01    CUDA Version: 11.3     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  NVIDIA Tesla V1...  Off  | 00000000:1B:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   41C    P0    36W / 250W |      0MiB / MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
  • Note 2.最好在Python 3.8 x64 位系统上安装使用 easyocr , 非常注意其不支持32位的python。

  • Note 3.对于 Windows,请先按照 https://pytorch.org 的官方说明安装 torch 和 torchvision。 在 pytorch 网站上,请务必选择您拥有的正确 CUDA 版本。 如果您打算仅在 CPU 模式下运行,请选择 CUDA = None。


描述: 此处我们使用 pip 安装 easyocr 使用以及通过官方提供的Dockerfile。

pip 方式

pip install easyocr -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com


pip install git+git://github.com/jaidedai/easyocr.git

描述: 由于国内网络环境因素, 此处我将官方提供的Dockerfile稍作更改。

$ cd /opt/images/easyocr && git clone https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR.git --depth=1
$ ls
Dockerfile  EasyOCR

$ cat Dockerfile
# pytorch OS is Ubuntu 18.04
FROM pytorch/pytorch
LABEL DESC="EasyOCR Enviroment Build with Containerd Images"
ARG service_home="/home/EasyOCR" 

# Enviroment && Software
RUN sed -i -e "s#archive.ubuntu.com#mirrors.aliyun.com#g" -e "s#security.ubuntu.com#mirrors.aliyun.com#g" /etc/apt/sources.list  && \
    apt-get update -y && \
    apt-get install -y \
    libglib2.0-0 \
    libsm6 \
    libxext6 \
    libxrender-dev \
    libgl1-mesa-dev \
    git \
    vim \
    # cleanup
    && apt-get autoremove -y \
    && apt-get clean -y \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists

# COPY EasyOCR is Github(https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR.git)
COPY ./EasyOCR "$service_home"

# Build
RUN cd "$service_home" \
  && pip config set global.index-url https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ \
  && python setup.py build_ext --inplace -j 4 \
  && python -m pip install -e . 


# Windows 环境
pip freeze | findstr "easyocr"
easyocr @ file:///E:/%E8%BF%85%E9%9B%B7%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD/easyocr-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl
# Linux & 容器环境
$ pip freeze | grep "EasyOCR"
-e git+https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR.git@7a685cb8c4ba14f2bc246f89c213f1a56bbc2107#egg=easyocr

# python 命令行中使用
>>> from pprint import pprint  # 方便格式化输出
>>> import easyocr
>>> reader = easyocr.Reader(['ch_sim','en'])
CUDA not available - defaulting to CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU.
>>> result = reader.readtext('00e336dbde464c809ef1f6ea568d4621.png')
>>> pprint(result)
[([[354, 46], [444, 46], [444, 76], [354, 76]], '中国移动', 0.),
 ([[477, 55], [499, 55], [499, 75], [477, 75]], '46', 0.),
 ([[533, 55], [555, 55], [555, 75], [533, 75]], '5G', 0.),
 ([[354, 76], [474, 76], [474, 104], [354, 104]],
  '中国移动四 ',
 ([[489, 57], [625, 57], [625, 95], [489, 95]],
  'GMl s @',
 ([[693, 55], [801, 55], [801, 95], [693, 95]], 'Q92%', 0.0),
 ([[864, 60], [950, 60], [950, 92], [864, 92]], '09:03', 0.),
 ([[884, 158], [938, 158], [938, 214], [884, 214]], '@', 0.),
 ([[123, 298], [592, 298], [592, 361], [123, 361]],
 ([[115, 429], [384, 429], [384, 497], [115, 497]],
 ([[153, 596], [848, 596], [848, 704], [153, 704]],
 ([[303, 723], [699, 723], [699, 785], [303, 785]],
 ([[347, 844], [653, 844], [653, 892], [347, 892]],
 ([[248, 950], [754, 950], [754, 1004], [248, 1004]],
 ([[173, 1045], [345, 1045], [345, 1105], [173, 1105]],
 ([[360, 1049], [829, 1049], [829, 1100], [360, 1100]],
 ([[110, 1670], [633, 1670], [633, 1732], [110, 1732]],
 ([[648, 1674], [788, 1674], [788, 1730], [648, 1730]],
 ([[104, 1778], [898, 1778], [898, 1810], [104, 1810]],
  '结果包含您在前14天内到访的国家(地区) 与停留4小时以上的国内城市',
 ([[272, 1825], [729, 1825], [729, 1863], [272, 1863]],
 ([[383, 1891], [607, 1891], [607, 1933], [383, 1933]],
 ([[119, 1966], [337, 1966], [337, 2006], [119, 2006]],
  'CAICT 中国信通院',
 ([[435, 1963], [533, 1963], [533, 1999], [435, 1999]],
 ([[624, 1966], [702, 1966], [702, 1990], [624, 1990]],
 ([[812, 1966], [892, 1966], [892, 1990], [812, 1990]],
 ([[441, 1993], [531, 1993], [531, 2005], [441, 2005]],
 ([[629, 1987], [701, 1987], [701, 2003], [629, 2003]],
 ([[815, 1989], [893, 1989], [893, 2003], [815, 2003]],
 ([[107, 2077], [281, 2077], [281, 2119], [107, 2119]],
 ([[467, 2075], [825, 2075], [825, 2117], [467, 2117]],
 ([[79, 2131], [269, 2131], [269, 2173], [79, 2173]],
 ([[510, 2128], [644, 2128], [644, 2172], [510, 2172]],
 ([[663, 2129], [793, 2129], [793, 2173], [663, 2173]],
# 设置 --detail=0 输出更简单
>>> result = reader.readtext('00e336dbde464c809ef1f6ea568d4621.png', detail = 0) 


  • Note 1.在使easyocr.Reader(['ch_sim','en'])于将模型加载到内存中(可能会耗费一些时间), 并且我们需要设定默认阅读的语言列表, 可以同时使用多种语言,但并非所有语言都可以一起使用, 而通常会采用英语与其他语言联合。

下面列举出可用语言及其语言对应列表 (https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/) :

# 对于我们来说常用语言如下:
# Language	Code Name
Simplified Chinese	ch_sim
Traditional Chinese	ch_tra
English	en

温馨提示: 所选语言的模型权重将自动下载,或者您可以从模型中心 并将它们放在~/.EasyOCR/model文件夹中

  • Note 2.如果--gpu=True设置为True, 而机器又没有GPU支持的化将默认采用 CPU ,所以通常你会看到如下提示:
# 如果您没有 GPU,或者您的 GPU 内存不足,您可以通过添加 gpu=False. 
CUDA not available - defaulting to CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU.
  • Note 3.在reader.readtext('参数值')函数中的参数值,可以是图片路径、也可是图像文件字节或者 OpenCV 图像对象(numpy 数组)以及互联网上图像的URL 等几种方式.
# 图像路径

# 图像URL

# 图形字节
with open("chinese_tra.jpg", "rb") as f:
  img = f.read()
result = reader.readtext(img)

# 图像作为 numpy 数组(来自 opencv)传递
img = cv2.imread('chinese_tra.jpg')
result = reader.readtext(img)
  • Note 3.从上面结果可以看出输出结果将采用列表格式,每个项目分别代表一个边界框(四个点)、检测到的文本和可信度
 ([[347, 844], [653, 844], [653, 892], [347, 892]],  # 边界 1 --> 2 -> 3 -> 4
  '请收下绿色行程卡',       # 文本
  0.),     # 可信度
  • Note 4.我们也可以在命令行中直接调用easyocr。
# 语法示例:
usage: easyocr [-h] -l LANG [LANG ...] [--gpu {True,False}] [--model_storage_directory MODEL_STORAGE_DIRECTORY]
  [--user_network_directory USER_NETWORK_DIRECTORY] [--recog_network RECOG_NETWORK]
  [--download_enabled {True,False}] [--detector {True,False}] [--recognizer {True,False}]
  [--verbose {True,False}] [--quantize {True,False}] -f FILE
  [--decoder {greedy,beamsearch,wordbeamsearch}] [--beamWidth BEAMWIDTH] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
  [--workers WORKERS] [--allowlist ALLOWLIST] [--blocklist BLOCKLIST] [--detail {0,1}]
  [--rotation_info ROTATION_INFO] [--paragraph {True,False}] [--min_size MIN_SIZE]
  [--contrast_ths CONTRAST_THS] [--adjust_contrast ADJUST_CONTRAST] [--text_threshold TEXT_THRESHOLD]
  [--low_text LOW_TEXT] [--link_threshold LINK_THRESHOLD] [--canvas_size CANVAS_SIZE]
  [--mag_ratio MAG_RATIO] [--slope_ths SLOPE_THS] [--ycenter_ths YCENTER_THS] [--height_ths HEIGHT_THS]
  [--width_ths WIDTH_THS] [--y_ths Y_THS] [--x_ths X_THS] [--add_margin ADD_MARGIN]

# 案例:
$ easyocr -l ch_sim en -f chinese.jpg --detail=1 --gpu=False
$ easyocr -l ch_sim en -f .\0a1e948ed42b435d63c9f0aa268.png --detail=0 --gpu=True
  # CUDA not available - defaulting to CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU.
您于前14夭内到达或途经:  重庆市


描述: 官方提供的包的模块方法以及参数说明, 参考地址 ( https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/documentation/ )

  • 1.EasyOCR 的基类
easyocr.Reader(['ch_sim','en'], gpu=False, model_storage_directory="~/.EasyOCR/.",download_enabled=True, user_network_directory="~/.EasyOCR/user_network",recog_network="recog_network",detector=True,recognizer=True)
# download_enabled :如果 EasyOCR 无法找到模型文件,则启用下载
# model_storage_directory: 模型数据目录的路径
# user_network_directory: 用户定义识别网络的路径
# detector : 加载检测模型到内存中
# recognizer : 加载识别模型到内存中
  • 2.Reader 对象的主要方法, 有 4 组参数:General、Contrast、Text Detection 和 Bounding Box Merging, 其返回值为列表形式。
  'chinese.jpg',image,decoder='greedy',beamWidth=5,batch_size=1,workers=0,allowlist="ch_sim",blocklist="ch_tra",detail=1,paragraph=False,min_size=10,rotation_info=[90, 180 ,270],
  contrast_ths = 0.1, adjust_contrast = 0.5,
  text_threshold = 0.7, low_text = 0.4,link_threshold = 0.4, canvas_size = 2560, mag_ratio = 1,
  slope_ths = 0.1, ycenter_ths = 0.5, height_ths = 0.5, width_ths = 0.5, add_margin = 0.1, x_ths = 1.0, y_ths = 0.5


# Parameters 1: General
--batch_size : 当其值大于 1 时将使 EasyOCR 更快,但使用更多内存。
--allowlist : 强制 EasyOCR 仅识别字符子集。  对特定问题有用(例如车牌等)
--detail : 将此设置为 0 以进行简单输出.
--paragraph :将结果合并到段落中
--min_size: 过滤小于像素最小值的文本框
--rotation_info:允许 EasyOCR 旋转每个文本框并返回具有最高置信度分数的文本框。例如,对所有可能的文本方向尝试 [90, 180 ,270]。

# Parameters 2: Contrast
--contrast_ths : 对比度低于此值的文本框将被传入模型 2 次,首先是原始图像,其次是对比度调整为“adjust_contrast”值,结果将返回具有更高置信度的那个。
--adjust_contrast : 低对比度文本框的目标对比度级别

# Parameters 3: Text Detection (from CRAFT)
--text_threshold: 文本置信度阈值
--link_threshold: 链接置信度阈值
--canvas_size: 最大图像尺寸,大于此值的图像将被缩小。
--mag_ratio: 图像放大率

# Parameters 4: Bounding Box Merging
height_ths (float, default = 0.5) - 盒子高度的最大差异,不应合并文本大小差异很大的框。
width_ths (float, default = 0.5) - 合并框的最大水平距离。
x_ths (float, default = 1.0) - 当段落 = True 时合并文本框的最大水平距离。
y_ths (float, default = 0.5) - 当段落 = True 时合并文本框的最大垂直距离。
  • 3.detect method, 检测文本框的方法。
  image (string, numpy array, byte) - Input image
  min_size (int, default = 10) - Filter text box smaller than minimum value in pixel
  text_threshold (float, default = 0.7) - Text confidence threshold
  low_text (float, default = 0.4) - Text low-bound score
  link_threshold (float, default = 0.4) - Link confidence threshold
  canvas_size (int, default = 2560) - Maximum image size. Image bigger than this value will be resized down.
  mag_ratio (float, default = 1) - Image magnification ratio
  slope_ths (float, default = 0.1) - Maximum slope (delta y/delta x) to considered merging. Low value means tiled boxes will not be merged.
  ycenter_ths (float, default = 0.5) - Maximum shift in y direction. Boxes with different level should not be merged.
  height_ths (float, default = 0.5) - Maximum different in box height. Boxes with very different text size should not be merged.
  width_ths (float, default = 0.5) - Maximum horizontal distance to merge boxes.
  add_margin (float, default = 0.1) - Extend bounding boxes in all direction by certain value. This is important for language with complex script (E.g. Thai).
  optimal_num_chars (int, default = None) - If specified, bounding boxes with estimated number of characters near this value are returned first.

Return horizontal_list, free_list - horizontal_list is a list of regtangular text boxes. The format is [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max]. free_list is a list of free-form text boxes. The format is [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3],[x4,y4]]. 
  • 4.recognize method, 从文本框中识别字符的方法,如果未给出 Horizo​​ntal_list 和 free_list,它将整个图像视为一个文本框。
  image (string, numpy array, byte) - Input image
  horizontal_list (list, default=None) - see format from output of detect method
  free_list (list, default=None) - see format from output of detect method
  decoder (string, default = 'greedy') - options are 'greedy', 'beamsearch' and 'wordbeamsearch'.
  beamWidth (int, default = 5) - How many beam to keep when decoder = 'beamsearch' or 'wordbeamsearch'
  batch_size (int, default = 1) - batch_size>1 will make EasyOCR faster but use more memory
  workers (int, default = 0) - Number thread used in of dataloader
  allowlist (string) - Force EasyOCR to recognize only subset of characters. Useful for specific problem (E.g. license plate, etc.)
  blocklist (string) - Block subset of character. This argument will be ignored if allowlist is given.
  detail (int, default = 1) - Set this to 0 for simple output
  paragraph (bool, default = False) - Combine result into paragraph
  contrast_ths (float, default = 0.1) - Text box with contrast lower than this value will be passed into model 2 times. First is with original image and second with contrast adjusted to 'adjust_contrast' value. The one with more confident level will be returned as a result.
  adjust_contrast (float, default = 0.5) - target contrast level for low contrast text box

Return list of results 

0x02 实践案例


描述: 公司有业务需求做一个行程码识别, 当前是调用某云的文字识别接口来识别行程码, 而其按照调用次数进行计费, 所以为了节约成本就要Python参考了Github上大佬的们项目, 截取部分函数,并使用Flask Web 框架进行封装,从而实现通过网页进行请求调用,并返回JSON字符串。


步骤 01.安装flask及其依赖模块的。

pip install flask -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com

步骤 02.项目路径以及图片路径 D:\Study\Project

PS D:\Study\Project> ls
    目录: D:\Study\Project
Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----         2022/5/25     15:59                img
-a----         2022/5/25     19:34           3966 setup.py

步骤 03.基于Flask web框架下进行调用EasyOCR执行图片文字识别的python代码.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ####################################################################
# Author: WeiyiGeek
# Description: 基于easyocr实现大数据通信行程卡图片识别信息获取-Flask项目。
# Time: 2022年5月25日 17点31分
# Blog: https://www.weiyigeek.top
# Email: master@weiyigeek.top
# ====================================================================
# 环境依赖与模块安装, 建议 Python 3.8.x 的环境下进行
# pip install flask
# pip install easyocr
# ====================================================================
# 行程码有绿色、黄色、橙色、红色四种颜色。
# 1、红卡:行程中的中高风险地市将标记为红色字体作提示。
# 2、橙卡:新冠肺炎确诊或疑似患者的密切接触者。
# 3、黄卡:海外国家和地区。
# 4、绿卡:其他地区。行程卡结果包含在前14天内到访的国家(地区)与停留4小时以上的国内城市。色卡仅对到访地作提醒,不关联健康状况。
# #####################################################################
import os,sys
import cv2
import re
import glob
import json
import easyocr
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request,render_template
from datetime import datetime
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
import numpy as np
import collections

app = Flask(__name__)

# 项目运行路径与行程码图片路径定义
colorDict= {"red": "红色", "red1": "红色", "orange": "橙色", "yellow": "黄色", "green": "绿色"}

def getColorList():
  函数说明: 定义字典存放 HSV 颜色分量上下限 (HSV-RGB)
  例如:{颜色: [min分量, max分量]}
      {'red': [array([160, 43, 46]), array([179, 255, 255])]}
  返回值: 专门的容器数据类型,提供Python通用内置容器、dict、list、set和tuple的替代品。
  dict = collections.defaultdict(list)

  # 红色
  lower_red = np.array([156, 43, 46])
  upper_red = np.array([180, 255, 255])
  color_list = []
  # 红色2
  lower_red = np.array([0, 43, 46])
  upper_red = np.array([10, 255, 255])
  color_list = []
  dict['red2'] = color_list

  # 橙色
  lower_orange = np.array([11, 43, 46])
  upper_orange = np.array([25, 255, 255])
  color_list = []
  dict['orange'] = color_list
  # 黄色
  lower_yellow = np.array([26, 43, 46])
  upper_yellow = np.array([34, 255, 255])
  color_list = []
  dict['yellow'] = color_list

  # 绿色
  lower_green = np.array([35, 43, 46])
  upper_green = np.array([77, 255, 255])
  color_list = []
  dict['green'] = color_list

  return dict

def getTravelcodeColor(img_np):
  函数说明: 利用阈值返回行程码主页颜色
  参数值: cv2.imread() 读取的图像对象(np数组)
  返回值: 行程卡颜色{红、橙、绿}
  hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
  maxsum = -100
  color = None
  color_dict = getColorList()
  for d in color_dict:
    mask = cv2.inRange(hsv,color_dict[d][0],color_dict[d][1])
    # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir),"img",d+'.jpg')  ,mask)
    binary = cv2.threshold(mask, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
    binary = cv2.dilate(binary,None,iterations=2)
    cnts, hiera = cv2.findContours(binary.copy(),cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    sum = 0
    for c in cnts:
    if sum > maxsum :
      maxsum = sum
      color = d

  return colorDict[color]

def information_filter(file_path,img_np,text_str):
  函数说明: 提出ocr识别的行程码
  # 健康码字段
    re_healthcode = re.compile('请收下(.{,2})行程卡')
    healthcode = re_healthcode.findall(text_str)[0]
  except Exception as _:
    healthcode = getTravelcodeColor(img_np)  # 文字无法识别时采用图片颜色识别
    print("[*] Get Photo Color = ",healthcode)

  # 电话字段
  re_phone = re.compile('[0-9]{3}\*{4}[0-9]{4}')
  phone_str = re_phone.findall(text_str)[0]

  # 日期字段
  re_data = re.compile('2022\.[0-1][0-9]\.[0-3][0-9]')
  data_str = re_data.findall(text_str)[0]

  # 时间字段
  re_time = re.compile('[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]')
  time_str = re_time.findall(text_str)[0]

  # 地区城市字段
  citys_re = re.compile('到达或途经:(.+)结果包含')
  citys_str = citys_re.findall(text_str)[0].strip().split('(')[0]

  result_dic = {"status": "succ", "file": file_path ,"类型": healthcode, "电话": phone_str, "日期": data_str, "时间": time_str, "行程": citys_str}
  return result_dic

def getTravelcodeInfo(filename, img_np):
  函数说明: 返回以JSON字符串格式过滤后结果
  参数值:文件名称,图像作为 numpy 数组(来 opencv传递
  # 灰度处理
  img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  # 阈值二进制 - > 127 设置为255(白),否则0(黑) -> 淡白得更白,淡黑更黑
  _,img_thresh = cv2.threshold(img_gray,180,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
  # 图像 OCR 识别
  text = reader.readtext(img_thresh, detail=0, batch_size=10) 
  result_dic = information_filter(filename, img_np, "".join(text))
  return result_dic

# Flask 路由 - 首页
def Index():
  return "


" # Flask 路由 - /tools/ocr @app.route('/tools/ocr',methods=["GET"]) def Travelcodeocr(): """ 请求路径: /tools/ocr 请求参数: (/tools/ocr?file=/test.png, /tools/ocr?dir=) """ filename = request.args.get("file") dirname = request.args.get("dir") if (filename): img_path = os.path.join(IMGDIR, filename) if (os.path.exists(img_path)): print(img_path) # 打印路径 img_np = cv2.imread(img_path) try: result_dic_succ = getTravelcodeInfo(filename,img_np) except Exception as err: print("\033[31m"+ img_path + " -->> " + str(err) + "\033[0m") return json.dumps({"status":"err", "img": filename}).encode('utf-8'), 200, {"Content-Type":"application/json"} return json.dumps(result_dic_succ, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'), 200, {"Content-Type":"application/json"} else: return jsonify({"status": "err","msg": "文件"+img_path+"路径不存在."}) elif (dirname and os.path.join(IMGDIR, dirname)): result_dic_all = [] result_dic_err = [] img_path_all = glob.iglob(os.path.join(os.path.join(IMGDIR,dirname)+"/*.[p|j]*g")) # 正则匹配 png|jpg|jpeg 后缀的后缀,返回的是迭代器。 for img_path in img_path_all: print(img_path) # 打印路径 img_np = cv2.imread(img_path) try: result_dic_succ = getTravelcodeInfo(os.path.join(dirname,os.path.basename(img_path)),img_np) except Exception as err: print("\033[31m"+ img_path + " -->> " + str(err) + "\033[0m") # 输出识别错误的图像 result_dic_err.append(img_path) continue # 成功则加入到List列表中 result_dic_all.append(result_dic_succ) res_succ_json=json.dumps(result_dic_all, ensure_ascii=False) res_err_json=json.dumps(result_dic_err, ensure_ascii=False) with open(os.path.join(IMGDIR, dirname, dirname + "-succ.json"),'w') as succ: succ.write(res_succ_json) with open(os.path.join(IMGDIR, dirname, dirname + "-err.json"),'w') as error: error.write(res_err_json) return res_succ_json.encode('utf-8'), 200, {"Content-Type":"application/json"} else: return jsonify({"status": "err","msg": "请求参数有误!"}) # Flask 路由 - /tools/upload/ocr @app.route('/tools/upload/ocr',methods=["GET","POST"]) def TravelcodeUploadocr(): if request.method == 'POST': unix = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%f') f = request.files['file'] if (f.mimetype == 'image/jpeg' or f.mimetype == 'image/png'): filedate = unix.split("-")[0] filesuffix = f.mimetype.split("/")[-1] uploadDir = os.path.join('img',filedate) # 判断上传文件目录是否存在 if (not os.path.exists(uploadDir)): os.makedirs(uploadDir) img_path = os.path.join(uploadDir,secure_filename(unix+"."+filesuffix)) # 图片路径拼接 print(img_path) # 打印路径 f.save(img_path) # 写入图片 # 判断上传文件是否存在 if (os.path.exists(img_path)): img_np = cv2.imread(img_path) try: result_dic_succ = getTravelcodeInfo(os.path.join(filedate,os.path.basename(img_path)),img_np) except Exception as err: print("\033[31m"+ err + "\033[0m") return json.dumps({"status":"err", "img": img_path}).encode('utf-8'), 200, {"Content-Type":"application/json"} return json.dumps(result_dic_succ, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8'), 200, {"Content-Type":"application/json"} else: return jsonify({"status": "err","msg": "文件"+img_path+"路径不存在!"}) else: return jsonify({"status": "err","msg": "不能上传除 jpg 与 png 格式以外的图片"}) else: return render_template('index.html') # 程序入口 if __name__ == '__main__': try: RUNDIR = sys.argv[1] IMGDIR = sys.argv[2] except Exception as e: print("[*] Uage:"+ sys.argv[0] + " RUNDIR IMGDIR") print("[*] Default:"+ sys.argv[0] + " ./ ./img" + "\n" ) RUNDIR = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) IMGDIR = os.path.join(RUNDIR,"img") # finally: # if os.path.exists(RUNDIR): # RUNDIR = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # if os.path.exists(IMGDIR): # IMGDIR = os.path.join(RUNDIR,"img") # 使用easyocr模块中的Reader方法, 设置识别中英文两种语言 reader = easyocr.Reader(['ch_sim', 'en'], gpu=False) # 使用Flask模块运行web app.run(host='', port=8000, debug=True)

步骤 03.运行该脚本并使用浏览进行指定行程码图片路径以及识别提取。

python .\setup.py
  # Using CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU.
  # * Serving Flask app 'index' (lazy loading)
  # * Environment: production
  #   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
  #   Use a production WSGI server instead.
  # * Debug mode: on
  # * Running on all addresses (
  #   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
  # * Running on
  # * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  # * Restarting with stat
  # Using CPU. Note: This module is much faster with a GPU.
  # * Debugger is active!
  # * Debugger PIN: 115-313-307

温馨提示: 从上面的Python脚本中可以看出我们可使用file参数指定图片路径或者使用dir参数指定行程码图片存放目录(默认在img目录下的子目录)。


D:\Study\Project\img\\00e336dbde464c809ef1f6ea568d4621.png - - [01/Jun/2022 16:58:58] "GET /tools/upload/ocr HTTP/1.1" 200 -
{'status': 'succ', 'file': '\\00e336dbde464c809ef1f6ea568d4621.png', '类型': '绿色', '电话': '157****2966', '日期': '2022.05.25', '时间': '09:03:56', '行程': '重庆市'} 


例如, 我们可以上传并识别行程码图片信息,本地浏览器访问http://地址,将会返回如下图所示结果。

0x03 入坑出坑

问题1.通过pip install 安装easyocr离线的whl包是报ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch

  • 错误信息:
pip install ./easyocr-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch (from easyocr) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch
  • 解决办法: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip

问题2.在Python3.7的环境中安装easyocr依赖的torch模块的whl安装包报not a supported wheel on this platform.错误

  • 错误信息:
$ pip install torch-1.8.0+cpu-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/
WARNING: Requirement 'torch-1.8.0+cpu-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl' looks like a filename, but the file does not exist
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/
ERROR: torch-1.8.0+cpu-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl is 
  • 错误原因: 平台与下载的whl不符合, 此处我遇到的问题明显不是这个导致的,百度后我想是由于pip版本与python版本、以及系统平台联合导致。
  • 解决办法:
# 解决1.假如,你是linux你可以通过 https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html 找到所需版本。
# torch-1.8.0+cpu-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl

# 解决2.将 torch-1.8.0+cpu-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl 更名为 torch-1.8.0+cpu-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl

问题3.在执行调用torch模块的py脚本时报Error loading "D:\****\lib\site-packages\torch\lib\asmjit.dll" or one of its dependencies.错误

  • 错误信息:
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not installed, this may lead to the DLL load failure.
It can be downloaded at https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
OSError: [WinError 193]  Error loading "D:\Program Files (x86)\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\torch\lib\asmjit.dll" or one of its dependencies.
  • 解决办法: 在你的电脑上下载安装 https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 缺少的C++运行库,重启电脑。

问题4.在安装opencv_python_headless进行依赖模块安装时报ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision>=0.5错误

  • 错误信息:
Using cached https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/packages/a4/0a/39bbcf3b1a58ee1cc83a9269b2a2c4c1ab3062a65f5292d8df6594/opencv_python_headless- (25.8 MB)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torchvision>=0.5 (from easyocr) (from versions: 0.1.6, 0.1.7, 0.1.8, 0.1.9, 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.2.2.post2, 0.2.2.post3)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torchvision>=0.5
  • 解决办法: 如果你的 python 版本为3.7.x,那么你只能安装 torch 1.5torchvision0.6

问题5.在执行easyocr文字识别时出现Downloading detection model, please wait. This may take several minutes depending upon your network connection.提示

  • 问题描述: 在首次使用时会自动下载EasyOCR模块所需的模型, 而由于国内网络环境,通常会报出超时错误,此时我们提前从官网下载其所需的数据模型,并安装在指定目录中。
  • 模型下载: https://www.jaided.ai/easyocr/modelhub/
# 主要下载以下模型(如有其它需要请自行选择下载)
english_g2 : https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR/releases/download/v1.3/english_g2.zip
zh_sim_g2 : https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR/releases/download/v1.3/zh_sim_g2.zip
CRAFT : https://github.com/JaidedAI/EasyOCR/releases/download/pre-v1.1.6/craft_mlt_25k.zip

# 模型安装位置
# windows

# Linux

原文连接: https://blog.weiyigeek.top/2022/5-8-658.html

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