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例如:在“a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, anemia”例条中,

a- 和 an- 为前缀,其中 an- 为 a- 的变体;/ without, lacking, not / 为该前缀的含

义;而asymmetric, apolitical和anemia为例词。


a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, asexual, anemia, anarchy

ab-, a-, abs- / from, away from / abduct, abjure, abdication, avert, abstain

ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- / to, forward / admit, adjure, accord, affliction,

aggregation, annexation, apparition, arraignment, assumption, attendance

ambi- / both / ambidextrous, ambivalent

amphi- / round, about / amphitheater, amphigens

an-, ana- / up; up through, back / anatomy, analysis, anachronism

ante-, anti- / before / antecedent, antebellum, anticipate

anti- / counter, against / antibiotic, antibody, antisocial, antifascist

apo- / away, from / apostasy, apostle

ar-, arch- /chief, principal / archangel, archenemy, architect

be- / to make, to take from / belittle, befriend, betake, bespeak

belli- / war / belligerent, rebellious, bellicose

ben-, bon- / good, well / benefit, benediction, benign, bonus

bi- / two / bicycle, bilateral, bisect, bipolar, bivalence

biblio- / book / bibliography, bibliophile, Bible

by- / aside or apart from the common, secondary / by-product, bypass, byname

cat- / downwards, under, against / catacomb, catechise, catastrophe

circu-, circum- / around / circumnavigation, circumlocution, circumspection, circuit

com-, con-, col-, cor-, co- / together, with / combine, compassion, contract, concentric,

collaborate, correspond, cooperation

contra- / against / contradiction, contraband, contrast

de- / down from, away / decapitate, dehydrate, dehumanize, degrade

demi- / a half or a part of / demi-god, demilune, demiwolf

di-, dia- / through, across / diode, diameter, dialog, dialectics

dif-, dis- / not, the opposite, apart / different, diffuse, disagree, divert, dispel

dys- / badly, with difficulty, hard / dyscrasia, dyslexia, dyspepsia

e- / out / emigrant, egress, emit, elope, ejaculate, eject

ec-, ef-, ex- / an outcome of / effect, effulgence, ecstasy, eccentric, expire

em-, en- / to make / employ, embrace, enable, enrich

em-, en- / in, on, into / encage, enclose, embalm, emphasis, energy

epi- / on, outer, over / epidermis, epicenter, epitaph

equi- / equal / equilateral, equilibrium, equivalent

ex-, exo-, extra- / from, out of, without / export, exodus, exotic, ex-officio, extraordinary

eu- / beautiful, good / eulogize, eugenics, euphemism

for- / not, against, away / forget, forbid, forgo, forfend

fore- / before, in front of / forehead, foretell, forefather

hemi- / a half / hemisphere, hemistich, hemicrania

hetero- / denoting dissimilarity / heterogeneous, heterodox, heterarchy

homo- / denoting similarity / homogeneous, homonym, homosexual

hydro- / water / hydraulics, hydrometer, hydropathy

hyper- / over, beyond, excessive / hypertension, hypercritical, hypersensitive

hypo- / under, beneath, down / hypothesis, hypothermia, hypocrisy

im-, in-, il-, ir- / in, into, on / imbibe, import, income, input, illustration, irrigation

im-, in-, il-, ir- / not / impossible, immature, inconsiderate, ineffectual, illegal, irresponsible

infra- / under, beneath / infrared, infra-structure, infra-costal

inter- / between / international, interpersonal, interaction, Internet

intra-, intro- / within / intramural, intravenous, Intranet, introduction, introspection

iso- / equality or similarity / isocheimal, isochomatic

kilo- /a thousand/ kilogram, kilowatt, kilometer

magna- /big, great/ magnanimous, magnitude, magnum

macro- / big / macrocomputer, macrocontrol, macroeconomy

mal- / bad, wrong / malnutrition, maltreatment, malapropism

mega- / of great size / megaphone, megaton, megalopolis, megavolt

meta- / beyond, transcending / metaphor, metaphysics, meta-memory

micro- /small / microcomputer, microcontrol, microeconomy

milli- /a thousand/ millennium, millimeter, millisecond

mis- / bad, wrong / mistake, misspelling, mispronounce, mislead

mono- / one, alone / monotony, monogamy, monochrome

multi- / many / multiple choice, multilateral, multimedia

neo- / new / neo-Confucianism, neolithic, neology, neodoxy

neu- / non-partial / neutral, neutron

neuro- / nerve / neurology, neurotic, neurasthemia

non- / not, reversing the sense / nonalignment, nonsmoker, nonsense

ob-, oc-, of-, o-, op- / in the way of, against / object, obsolete, occasion, offend, omit, oppose

omni- / all / omnivorous, omnibus, omniscient

out- / beyond, exceeding / outbid, outbreak

over- / beyond, excessive / overwork, overawe, overcoat

paleo- / old, anscient / paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleolithic

pan-, panta- / all, everything / pan-America, pantomime, pandemonium

para- / alike, comparison, unlike / paraphrase, paradox, parody

peri- / around / peripheral, periscope, perimeter

poly- / many / polytechnic, polymer, polyglot

post- / after / postgraduate, posthumous, postwar

pre- / before / prewar, prepare, preposition, preschool

pro-, por-, pur- / forward, forth / progress, proceed, portend, pursue

pseud- / false or spurious / pseudo-science, pseudo-membrane, pseudonym

re-, retro- / back, again / regression, review, retrospect, retrogressive

se- / aside, separating / secede, seduce, sedition, separate

semi- (hemi-) / half, partly / semiconductor, semifinal, semicircle, hemisphere

sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sus-, / under / submit, submarine, succeed, suffix, suggest, support

sustain, subsonic

super- / above, greater, better / supersonic, supermarket, superpower, superiority

syn-, sym- / with, together / sympathy, symmetry, synchronic, synonym

trans- / across / transport, transplant, translation, transcontinental

tri- / three / tricycle, triple, triangle

ultra- / beyond, excessive, extreme / ultrasonic, ultraviolet

un- / not / undecided, unimportant

under- / beneath, lower in rank or degree / underdog, underfeed, undercoat

uni- / one / unite, unification, uniform

up- / upwards / uproot, upcast, upstart

with- / opposition, privation / withdraw, withstand


-able, -ible / adj. capable of, fit for / eatable, workable, considerable, sizable

-ac /adj. like, pertaining to / cardiac, maniac

-age, -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency /n. signifying the state of being / coinage, acceptance,

existence, constancy, consistency

-ate / v. to make / activate, motivate, originate

-cle, -cule / adj. or n. small, little / particle, sickle, animalcule, miniscule

-dom / n. signifying dominion, office / kingdom, officialdom

-er, -or, -eer / n. one who / worker, writer, professor, engineer

-fy / v. to make / beautify, purify, simplify

-ic, -ical / adj. relating to, having the nature of / historic, economic, biblical, mechanical

-ics /n. study / economics, physics, linguistics

-il, -ile /adj. having the property of / civil, juvenile, puerile, ductile

-ism / n. action or practice, theory or doctrine / mechanism, imperialism, dogmatism

-ist / n. one who / physicist, communist, cyclist

-ity / n. condition, quality / activity, flexibility, identity, probability, feasibility

-ize / v. to make / modernize, revolutionize, popularize, realize

-logy / n. study, work / geology, psychology, metallurgy

-ment, -mony / n. the state of being / experiment, movement, harmony, hegemony

-ness / n. condition, quality, state of being / carelessness, sadness, illness

-oid / n. like, resembling / asteroid, mongoloid, anthropoid

-ous, -ious, -ose /adj. having the quality of / industrious, dangerous, bellicose

-ship / n. the state or quality of / sportsmanship, partnership, friendship

-tion, -ation, -sion /n. condition, the act of / information, reflection, extroversion

-tude, -ty / n. signifying the property / attitude, altitude, radioactivity, tenacity

-ward(s) / signifying direction / eastward, homeward, upward


-us cactus, alumnus, impetus (original plural form: “i”, alumni)

-a alumna, vita, formula (original plural form: “i”, alumni, or “ae”, formulae)

-um datum, curriculum (original plural form: “a”, data, curricula)

-ia, -sis, -tis (medical terms) anoxia, anemia, dyslexia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis


-acr- / sharp / acrimonious, acerbity, acidulate

-act-, -ag- / to do / action, reaction, agent,

-aev- / age, era / primeval, coeval, medieval

-agog- / leader / demagogue, pedagogue

-agri-, -agrari- / field / agriculture, agrarian, peregrination

-ali- / another / alias, aliens, inalienable

-ann-, -en- / year / annual, anniversary, centennial, biennial

-anim- / spirit / unanimous, magnanimous, animation

-anthrop- / human / anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist

-aqua- / water / aquatic sports, aquarium, aquanaut

-arch- / government, chief, leader / monarchy, anarchy, archbishop

-aster-, -astro-, -stellar- / star / asteroid, astronomy, constellation

-audi- / hear / auditor, auditorium, audio-visual lab

-auto- / self / autobiography, automation, automobile, autism

-belli- / fight, war / bellicose, belligerent, rebellion

-bio- / life / biology, biography, biochemical, antibiotics

-bon-, -ben- / good / bonus, debonair, benefit, benign, benediction

-brev- / short / brief, abbreviate, brevity

-cad-, -cas- / to fall / cadence, decadent, accident

-cap-, -capt-, -cep- / to take / capture, precept, participate

-cap-, -capit- / head, chief / capital, captain, decapitation, per capita income

-carn- / flesh, body / carnivore, incarnation

-ced-, -cess- / go, move, yield / precede, recede, succeed, antecedent, secede, process

-cent- / one hundred / century, centennial, percentage, centigrade, centipede

-centr- / center / central, concentric, centrifugal, concentrate

-chrom- / color / monochrome, trichromatic chromosome

-chron- / time / chronology, anachronism, synchronic, chronicle

-cid-, cis- / cut / incision, homicide, precision

-cit- / call / excite, incite, recite

-civi- / citizen / civil, civilian, civilization

-clam- / to cry out / clamorous, acclamation, exclaim

-claud-, -claus-, -clos-, -clud- / to close / claustrophobia, enclose, conclude

-cogno- / knowledge, knowing / cognition, recognition, incognito, acognostic

-comp- / to fill / complete, complement, comply

-cord- / heart / accord, cordial, discord

-corp- / body / corpse, corps, incorporation, corporeal

-cred- / to believe / credence, incredulous, incredible

-cur- / to care / curator, sinecure, to cure

-curr-, -curs- / course, to run / excursion, current, precursor, curriculum

-cycle- / cycle / bicycle, tricycle, recycle

-dat- / to give / data, mandate, date

-demo- / people / demography, democracy, demagogue, epidemic

-deb- / to owe / debt, indebtedness, debenture

-derm- / skin / epidermis, pachyderm, dermatology

-di-, -diurn- / daytime / diary, diurnal, journal

-dic- / say, speak / dictation, dictionary, dictator, contradiction

-doc- / to teach / docile, doctrine, document, doctor

-domin- / to rule / dominate, domain, indomitable

-duc- / lead / aqueduct, conductor, education, viaduct

-dynam- / power, strength / dynamite, dynamo, dynamics

-ego- / self / egocentric, egotism

-erg- / to work / energy, ergatocracy, metallurgy

-err- / to wander, to deviate / error, erratic, errand

-fact-, -fect- / make, do / factory, manufacture, effect, affect

-fall-, -fals- / to deceive / fallacy, infallible, falsification

-fer- / to bring, to bear / ferry, transfer, coniferous, refer

-flect- / bend / inflexible, reflect

-gam- / marriage / monogamy, bigamy, polygamy

-gen- / produce, birth / gene, generator, eugenic, generation

-geo- / earth / geology, geothermal, geometric

-graph-, -gram- / writing / geography, biography, telegram, diagram

-greg- / group, together / gregarious, aggregate, egregious

-helio- / the sun / heliotrope, heliograph, helium

-homo- / of human / homicide, homunculus,

-hydr- / water, of hydrogen / hydraulic, dehydrate, hydrotherapy, hydrocarbon, hydroxide

-it-, -itiner- / journey, road / exit, itinerary, reiterate

-jac-, -jec- / to throw / ejaculate, project, reject

-jur- / to swear / jury, abjure, perjury, jurisdiction

-lab-, -labor- / to work / laboratory, collaborate, laborious

-leg- / law / legislature, legal, legitimate

-leg-, -lect- / to choose / election, select, legible, eligible

-lib- / book / library, libretto, libel

-locu-, -log-, -loq- / to talk / elocution, monologue, soliloquy, eloquent

-luc- / light / elucidate, lucid, translucent

-magn- / big, great / magnum, magnanimous, magnify

-man- / hand / manufacture, manuscript, manicure, emancipation

-mar-, -mer- / sea, ocean / submarine, mermaid, marinology

-mit-, -miss- / send / transmit, emit, transmission, emission, permit, permission

-mon-, -monit- / to warn / admonish, premonition, monitor

-morph- / form, structure / morphology, morpheme, anthropomorphism

-mort-, -mori- / death / mortal, mortuary, moribund

-nav- / ship / navy, navigation, naval

-onym-, -nom- / name / synonym, pseudonym, nomenclature, nomination, misnomer

-oper- / to work / operation, cooperate, opera

-pac- / peace / pacify, pacifist, Pacific Ocean

-pathy- / feeling / sympathy, antipathy, telepathy, empathy

-pel- / to drive / compel, dispel, repel, propel

-pet-, -petit- / to seek / petition, compete, appetite

-phil- / love / Anglophile, hydrophilic, philosophy, philanthropist

-phob- / hate, fear / claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia

-phon- / sound / telephone, microphone, phonology

-pod-, -ped- / foot / tripod, pedestrian, centripetal

-pon-, -pos- / position / postpone, position, preposition, positive

-polis- / city / metropolis, Indianapolis

-port- / carry / porter, portable, transport, exportation

-pseudo- / false, sham / pseudonym, pseudo-science, pseudology, pseudomorph

-psych- / mind / psychology, psychoanalysis, psywar

-put-, -putat- / to trim, to calculate / amputate, compute, putative, reputation

-que-, -qui- / to ask / question, query, request, inquisitive, prerequisite

-rid-, -ris- / to laugh / ridiculous, risibility, derision

-rog- / to ask / interrogate, prerogative, derogatory

-rupt- / to break / rupture, interrupt, eruption, bankrupt

-sci- / knowledge / science, omniscient, consciousness

-scrib-, -script- / write / scribble, inscribe, description, prescription, manuscript, scripture

-sed-, -sess- / to sit / session, sedentary, president, residence

-sens-, -sent- / to think, to feel / sense, sensitive, sensation, resent, consent

-sequ-, -secut- / follow / sequence, consequence, consecutive

-sol-, -solut- / to loosen / solvent, solution, absolve, dissolute, absolute

-son- / sound / subsonic, consonant, resonant, ultrasonic

-spect- / look at / spectrum, inspection, circumspection, retrospection

-spir- / breathe / spirit, aspiration, respiration

-soph- / wise / philosophy, sophisticate, sophomore

-tang-, -tact- / to touch / tangent, tangible, contact, contingent

-tele- / far / television, telephone, telediagnosis, telex

-temp- / mood / temper, temperament, temptation, contemptuous

-tempor- / time / temporary, contemporary, extemporaneous, temporize

-ten-, -tent- / to hold / tenable, tenacity, content, tenure

-terr- / land, earth / territory, subterranean, extraterrestrial, Mediterranean, inter

-theo-, -the- / god / theology, atheism, theory, pantheism

-therm- / heat / thermos bottle, thermometer, geothermal energy

-urb- / city / urban, suburban, urbane

-urn- / day / diurnal, nocturnal, journal

-ven-, -vent- / come / intervene, prevention, convention

-ver- / true / verify, verily, verisimilar, veracious

-via- / way / viaduct, deviation, trivial

-vid-, -vis- / see / video, visualize, vision, vista

-vinc-, -van- / conquer / victory, invincible, vanquish, vanity

-voc-, -vok- / call / vocation, revoke, invoke, provoke

-volv-, -volut- / to roll, to turn / evolve, revolve, convolution





1,名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 box, pen,tree,apple

2,代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We, this, them,myself

3,形容词, Adjectives(adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good, sad, high, short

4,数词,Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序 one,two, first

5,动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 Jump,sing,visit

6,副词,Adverbs(adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there,widely,suddenly

7,冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a, an, the

8,介词,Prepositions (prep.) 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in,on,down,up

9,连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 表示人或事物的名称if,because,but

10,感叹词, Interjections (int.) 代替名词、数词、形容词等 oh,hello,hi,yeah

vt.是及物动词,vt.后必须跟宾语:sing a song

vi.是不及物动词,vi.后不直接带宾语或不带宾语:jump high

主要看后缀 一般有LY的是形容或副词,

第二 英语常见词根词缀(一)常见词根

词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

acou 听,闻 acoustics,acoumeter capit 头 capitate,capital

aer 空气,大气 aeroplane,aerial center 中心 concentrate

ag,ac 做,动作 agent,action chrom 颜色 chromosome

agr 农业 agrarian,agriculture chron 时间 chronicle,chronicology

alt 高 altitude,altimeter cine,kine 活动 kinematics,kinesiology

am,amor 亲,亲爱 amity,amorous cir 圆,环 circular,encircle

ampl 广大,宽阔 ample,amplify cosmo 世界,宇宙 cosmology,cosmopolis

ann 年 annual,annuitant crat 信奉…..政治主张者 democrat,plutocrat

anthrop 人 anthropology crypt 隐蔽,秘密 cryptogram.cryptonym

aqu 水 aqueous cur 跑 current,recur

arch 首领 archbishop,arch-criminal cycl 圆,环 bicycle,cycloid

astr 星 astronomy cyt,cyte,cyto 细胞 leucocytecytoplasm

atm 大气,蒸汽 atmosphere,atmology dem 人民 democracy,demography

aud 听 auditor,inaudible dent 牙齿 dentist,dental

auto 自己,自动 automation,autography dict 说 predict,diction

bar 气压 barometer,barobiology duct 引导 aqueduct,conduct

bathy 深 bathymeter,bathysphere dur 持久 durable,endure

biblio 书 bibliography,bibliophile dynam 力,动力 dynamics,dynaflow

bio 生命,生物 biology,biography electro 电,电的 lelctroanalysis,electrocute

bre 短 brevity,abbreviate equ 相等 equality,equator

cad,cas 落下 cascade,caducous eu 好,幸福 eugenics,euphony

calori 热,热的 calorie,calorifacient fer 搬运,转移 transfer,ferry

cap,cep 拿 capture,accept flict 打击 inflict,conflict

词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

frater 兄弟 fraternal,fratricide mot,mob,mov 动 motion,mobile,move

gamos 婚姻 monogamy,polygamy naut,nav 船,航运 nautical,navy

gen 起源 pathogen,oxygen neur,neuro 神经 neurasthenia,neuron

geo 地球,土地 geology,geophysics nomy 法则,学科 astronomy,taxonomy

graph 书写的器具或结果 telegraph,phonograph nym 名字 anonymous,synonym

haem,hem 血液 haematology,haemorrhage ortho 正确的,直立的 orthography,orthodox

heli,helio 太阳 heliocentric,heliograph paleo 古,原始 paleolithic,paleophyte

hom,human 人 momicide,humanist pater 父 paternal,paternity

homo 同 homophone,omogeneous pathy 感情,疾病疗法 apathy,leucopathy

hydro 水,氢的 hydroelctric,hydrography ped,pod 足 pedestrian,centipede

ject 扔 inject,reject pend 悬挂 pending,pendulous

junct 连接 conjunction,adjunct peri 周围,包围 periphery,periphrase

lith,lite 岩石 lithograph,neolithic philo,phile 爱好 philharmonic,philanthropy

loqu,loc 说话 colloquial,loquacious phobia 病态性恐惧 hydrophobia,xenophobia

magnet 磁力,磁 magnetophone,magnetoptics phone 声音 phonetics,microphone

manu,man 手 manuscript,manual photo 光,照相术 photocopy,photometry

mand,mend 命令 command,demand poly 多,复,聚 polyarchy,polychrome

mar 海 marine,maritime pseudo 假,伪,拟 pseudoscience,pseudoraph

mater 母 maternal,maternity psycho 精神 psychic,psychoanalysis

meter 计量器 thermometer,speedmeter rupt 破坏,毁坏 rupture,interrupt

micro 小,微 microbe,microcosm scope 观察的仪器 telescope,microscope

mort 死亡 mortality,mortician sec 切,割 secant,dissect

morph 形式 morphology,amorphous sequ 跟随 sequence,sequel

词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

sol 太阳 solar,solarium

tele 远,电报,电视 telephone,telecamera

term 末端 terminal,terminate

theo 神 theology,theocracy

thermo 热 thermonuclear

type 模型,版 homotype,phototype

vid,visuo 看见 video,visuometer

voc 叫唤 vocal,convocation

volv 滚动 revolve,devolve

xeno 异,外国人 xenogamy,xenograft

xylo 木 xylograph,xylophone

zoo 动物 zoology,zoophyte

(二)常见前缀 1.表示数量的前缀

词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

hemi- 半 hemicycle hecto- 百 hectometer

semi- 半 semiconductor centi- 百,百分之一 centipede,centigrade

demi- 半 demilune kilo- 千 kilowatt

uni- 一 unify milli- 千分之一 milligram

mono- 一 monotonous multi- 许多 multitude,multinational

di- 二 dioxcide myria- 万,无数 myriameter,myriad

bi- 二 bisect poly- 许多 polygon

ambi-,amphi- 二,双 ambiguous,amphibian mega- 百万,兆 megaton,megawatt

du(o)- 二,双 dual,duetto micro- 小,微量,百万分之一 microampere

tri- 三 trigonometry

quadr- 四 quadrilateral

tetra- 四 tetralogy

penta- 五 pentagon

quinqu- 五 quintet

hexa- 六 hexahedron

sex- 六 sexennial

hepta- 七 heptagon

sept- 七 septavalent

oct(a)- 八 octopus,October

ennea- 九 enneagon

nona- 九 nonagon

deca- 十 decagon

deci- 十 decimal


词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

in-,il-,im-,ir-,ig- 不,非,无 inability,illiterate,impossible,irregular,ignoble

non- 非,未 nonalignment,nonage

un- 不,无 unemployment


词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

by- 副,次要的 byproduct

extra- 超越,额外 extraordinary

hyper- 超出,过于 hypertension

hypo- 次,亚 hypotype

infra- 低下 infrahuman

out- 超过 outwit

over- 过度 overcare

pre- 超过 preeminent

quasi- 类似,准 quasi-official

sub- 次,亚 subcontinent

super-,sur- 超过 supersonic

ultra- 极端 ultraleftist

under- 不足,低劣 underdeveloped

4. 表示逆转的前缀 5.变换词类的前缀

词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

un- "相反的动作" unlock,unhook a- 动词变换为谓语性形容词 aglimmer,astir

de- 去,反,解 deoxicide,decentralize be- 变换为及物动词 becalm,befall

dis- 反转,还原 disarm,disappear


词根 语义 例词 词根 语义 例词

ante- 在前 anteroom intro- 在内,进入 intravascular

by- 附近 bypath out- 外,向外 introduce

apo- 远,远离 apogee over- 在……上面 outflow

circum- 周围,环绕 circumcircle,circumstance post- 在……后面 overground

en- 进入 encage pre- 在……前面 postcript

endo- 在里面的 endoderm pro- 向前 postwar

epi- 在外面的 epicycle retro- 后退 preposition

ex- 外部,向外 export sub-,sup-,suc-,suf- 在…...下面,低,次,亚 preliberation

fore- 在前面 exit super- 在上

hypo- 在……之下 forearm,forehead supra- 在……之上

in-,im-,ir-,il- 向内,进入,朝 bypoderm trans- 横过,贯通

infra- 在下,在下部 import,invade,inshore,irrigate,illumine ultra- 在……那边

inter- 在……中间 infrastructure up- 向上

intra- 在内,内部 international


词根 语义 例词

ante- 先前,早于 antecedent,anticipate

ex- 前任,旧 ex-prime minister

fore- 前面 forecast

mid- 中间 midnight

neo- 新,新近 neocolonialism

post- 在后 posthumous

pre- 前面 prehistory

pro- 前面 prophet

re- 重新 reconsider




读法:英 [ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪks]   美 [ˌi:kəˈnɑ:mɪks]



1、positive economics 实证经济学

2、applied economics 现实经济学

3、quantitative economics 数量经济学

4、regional economics 区域经济学


She is studying economics at college.



记忆技巧:economy 经济 + ics …学 → 经济学


后缀-ics 表名词,“…学,…术”

1、aeronauticsn. 航空学

aeronaut 飞船驾驶员 + ics …学,…术 → 航空学

2、athleticsn. 运动学

athlete 运动员 + ics …学,…术 → 运动学

3、dynamicsn. 动力学

dynam 力量 + ics …学,…术 → 动力学

4、electronicsn. 电子学

electron 电子 + ics …学,…术 → 电子学

5、linguisticsn. 语言学

linguist 语言学家 + ics …学,…术 → 语言学

当前名称:dynamics词根词缀 discretionary词根词缀
