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vb点虐 表格导出 vb怎么导出

VB点虐 中把datagridview中的数据导出到电子表格,表格导出后出现"未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。

以下是我以前百度找的资料 希望对你有用 你读取DataGridView到DataGrid然后直接调用函数即可


Public Function ExportXLsD(ByVal datagrid As DataGrid) '春坦, ByVal Title As String)

'Dim Mytable As New DataTable

'Mytable = CType(datagrid.DataSource, DataTable)

If mytable Is Nothing Then

MessageBox.Show("没有记录不能导扒蠢桐出数据", "PurpleStar", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

Exit Function

End If

If mytable.Rows.Count 0 Then

Dim MyFileName As String

Dim FileName As String

With SaveFileDialog1

.AddExtension = True '如果用户忘记添加扩展名,将自动家上

.DefaultExt = "xls" '默认扩展名

.Filter = "Excel文件(*.xls)|*.xls"

.Title = "文件保存到"

If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then

FileName = .FileName

End If

End With

MyFileName = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(FileName, 4)

If MyFileName = "档判" Then

Exit Function

End If

If MyFileName = ".xls" Or MyFileName = ".XLS" Then

Dim FS As FileStream = New FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create)

Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(FS, System.Text.Encoding.Default)

sw.WriteLine(vbTab FileName vbTab Date.Now)

Dim i, j As Integer

Dim str As String = ""

For i = 0 To mytable.Columns.Count - 1

str = mytable.Columns(i).Caption

sw.Write(str vbTab)



For j = 0 To mytable.Rows.Count - 1

For i = 0 To mytable.Columns.Count - 1

Dim strColName, strRow As String

strRow = IIf(mytable.Rows(j).Item(i) Is DBNull.Value, "", mytable.Rows(j).Item(i))

sw.Write(strRow vbTab)






MessageBox.Show("数据导出成功!", "PurpleStar", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)


Exit Function

End If


MessageBox.Show("没有记录不能导出数据", "PurpleStar", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

End If

End Function

Private Sub OK_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK_Button.Click

Dim saveExcel As SaveFileDialog

saveExcel = New SaveFileDialog

saveExcel.Filter = "Excel文件(.xls)|*.xls"

Dim filename As String

If saveExcel.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Sub

filename = saveExcel.FileName

Dim excel As Excel.Application

excel = New Excel.Application

excel.DisplayAlerts = False


excel.Visible = False

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To DataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1

excel.Cells(1, i + 1) = DataGridView1.Columns(i).HeaderText



Dim j As Integer

For i = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 '填充数据

For j = 0 To DataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1

excel.Cells(i + 2, j + 1) = DataGridView1(j, i).Value



excel.Workbooks(1).SaveCopyAs(filename) '保存


End Sub


不好意思 现在才看到;Private Sub 导锋野雀出EXCEL_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

Dim xlApp, xlBook, xlSheet As Object

xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xlbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Add

xlsheet = xlbook.Worksheets(1)

'Dim xlapp As New Excel.Application

'Dim xlbook As Excel.Workbook

'Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet

Dim rowindex, colindex As Integer rowindex = 1 '行

colindex = 0 '列

'xlbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open("c:\EXCEL.xls") '打开EXCEL文件

xlsheet = xlapp.Worksheets("sheet1") '打开sheet1那页 Dim a As New DataSet

Dim table As New System.Data.DataTable table = DataSet11.Tables("INVMATLISTA"脊拆) '填充银早表 Dim row As DataRow '定义row为表格的行

Dim col As DataColumn '定义col为表格的列 '把表格的每一列写到EXCEL去

For Each col In table.Columns

colindex = colindex + 1

xlapp.Cells(1, colindex) = col.ColumnName Next


For Each row In table.Rows

rowindex = rowindex + 1

colindex = 0

For Each col In table.Columns

colindex = colindex + 1

xlapp.Cells(rowindex, colindex) = row(col.ColumnName)



xlapp.Visible = True

End Sub 前提要先引用一个Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll然后在最上面先输入Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop; 就可以了

vb点虐 输出 excel



Private Sub Command6_Click()

Dim i, j As Integer

Dim xlApplication As Excel.Application, xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook, xlSheet

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application

On Error Resume Next

Set xlApplication = GetObject(, "渗运Excel.Application")

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

If MsgBox("确认将文件信息导出到EXCEL中?�", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "警告") = vbYes Then

If Err.Number 0 Then Set xlApplication = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Set xlWorkbook = xlApplication.Workbooks.Add

Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet

xlSheet.Cells(1, 2) = lblcl.Caption

xlSheet.Range("A1:E1").MergeCells = True

xlSheet.Range("A1:E1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

xlSheet.Cells(2, 2).ColumnWidth = 18

For i = 1 To DataGrid1.Columns.Count

xlSheet.Cells(2, 1) = "槐喊拍编号"

xlSheet.Cells(2, i + 1) = DataGrid1.Columns(i).Caption

For j = 0 To DataGrid1.VisibleRows - 1

xlSheet.Cells(j + 3, 1) = j + 1

xlSheet.Cells(j + 3, i + 1) = DataGrid1.Columns(i).CellText(DataGrid1.RowBookmark(j))

Next j

Next i

xlApplication.Visible = True

Set xlSheet = Nothing

Set xlWorkbook = Nothing

Set xlApplication = Nothing

'xlApp.Range("A2:L2").Columns.Interior.ColorIndex = 40

'xlApp.Range("A2:L2").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous

'xlApp.Visible = True

'xlApp.Range(xlSheet.Cells(2 + PartsRs.RecordCount + 1, 1), xlSheet.Cells(2 + PartsRs.RecordCount + 1, 8)).Columns.Interior.ColorIndex = 40

'xlApp.Range(xlSheet.Cells(2 + PartsRs.RecordCount + 1, 1), xlSheet.Cells(2 + PartsRs.RecordCount + 1, 8)).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous


MsgBox "无信息可供您导出,请确铅羡认!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "警告"

End If

End Sub

本文名称:vb点虐 表格导出 vb怎么导出
