1. SEO关键词排名优化是一个复杂的过程,要想达到最佳效果,必须以正确的方法和思路去实施。SEO关键词排名优化不是一件容易的事情,因为它既受到站内因素影响也受到站外因素影响。
2. 如果你对SEO关键词排名优化不甚了解或者根本就不了解,在开始之前应该学习相关理论并努力去理解SEO工作中所使用的工具、方法和流程。如此才能保证在进行SEO工作时能够减少大量时间耗费并把效益最大化。
3. 此外,要想很好地实施SEO关键词排向优化还必须对市场上流行的SEO工作方法有所了解并搭建出适应市场发展及特性的独特思考体系。
1. 首先要明白Google 的PageRank 的原理, 这将帮助我们明白如何选出正确的 SEO 关键字, 否则千万不要随意使用 Google Adwords 搜集 Keyword , 这样很容易选出来都是“水”Keyword .
2. 选好 SEO 关键字之后, 我们就要开始对我们 Website 站内代码进行信誉度(Credibility) 的 Optimization , 这里我们就要考量 Title Tag , Description Tag , Keywords Tag , Heading Tags (H1-H6), Alt Texts and Anchor Texts .
3. 有人可能闲得无呵呵, 惯例都是看看 Competitors 多高 Rank ? 马上 Copy & Paste ! No No No ! 这样子一般都是 Dead End!
4. Link Building : Link Building is the most important part of SEO work . We need to build quality links from other websites which are related to our website content or theme in order to increase our website ranking on search engine result page (SERP).
5. Content Writing: Content writing plays an important role in optimizing a website for better ranking on SERPs as it helps us create unique and relevant content that can attract more visitors to our site and also help us rank higher on SERPs for targeted keywords or phrases .
6. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is another effective way of improving your website's visibility online by creating engaging content that can be shared across various social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc., thus helping you reach out to a wider audience base and increasing your chances of getting more traffic from these sources .
7. Monitor Your Progress: Last but not least we should always monitor our progress regularly so that we can make necessary changes if needed in order to improve our rankings further over time . This will help us stay ahead of the competition and ensure that we are able to achieve desired results with minimum effort invested into the process .
1、竞争对手分析——通过对竞争对手website内容/keywords/backlinks/social media presence/rankings etc.,来判断当前marketing strategy;然后核心keywords selection; 2、On-page optimization ——Title tag / Meta description / Headings / Image alt tags / Internal linking structure etc.; 3、Off-page optimization ——Link building activities such as directory submission / article submission / blog commenting etc.; 4、Social media promotion ——Creating profiles on popular social networking sites like Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn etc.; 5、Monitoring & tracking ——Regularly monitoring keyword rankings using tools like Google Analytics; 6
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