1. 搜索引擎的变化:随着时代的发展,搜索引擎不断在进行升级和完善,对于用户来说有越来越多的功能。考虑到用户体验因此也会遵循相应的标准去进行修正。例如Google在2018年采用了BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)机器学习方法来帮助理解用户意图;考虑到内容特性、上下文关联性以及情感影响都是影响关键词排名的重要因子之一。所以Google将BERT作为一个“测量工具”来帮助理解内容特性、上下文关联性以及情感影响对于SEO(Search Engine Optimization) 的影响。
2. 对竞争者的考量: 高竞争度衡量中心化是SEO中最大问题之一, 这就是为什么 Google 会间歇性地使用小数作为 SERP (Search Engine Result Page) 条目中显示位数字, 这样 SEOs 和 webmasters 就不能通过看到 SERP 上剩余 URL 的位数来得出竞争者信息.
3. 本土化: 高竞争度衡量中心化不光是 SEOs 和 webmasters 的问题, 还有 Google 本土化问题. Google 正在努力使 SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) 更好适应各国人民所使用的语言, 这样就能够避免将太多非本土内容显示出来. 例如, 如果一个人使用法语去寻找"Paris" , 那么 Google 希望能够显示几乎100%法语内容; 虽然没有 100% 精准命中, 但是 Google 需要保留部分 English content , 比如 Wikipedia entries .
4. 多页/子URL : 多页/子URL (Multi-Page / Sub URLs ) 是 SEOs & Webmasters 最常遇到的问题之一 . 多页/子URL 经常会导致 SERPs ( Search Engines Results Pages ) 上显得 "cluttered", 迫使Google去考量如何将这些 URL "grouped together".
5. CTR(Click Through Rate): CTR(Click Through Rate),即 “click through rate” (CTR) (即广告或SERP上url的占比) ,是SEOs&Webmasterss必不可少要考量的因子之一。CTR通常会高度依存SERP position number —— the higher the position number is on a given page of search results for a particular query or keyword phrase ,the more likely it is that users will click on it and visit your website .
6. Mobile Friendly: Mobile friendly websites are becoming increasingly important in today's world as more people use their mobile devices to access information online . As such , search engines like google have been making changes to ensure that they can provide relevant and useful results to users who are searching from their mobile devices . This means that sites must be optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing in order to rank well in the search engine result pages (SERPS). In addition , sites must also be designed with responsive design principles so that they look good regardless of what device they are being viewed on .
7. Localization: Localization has become an important factor when it comes to ranking well in the search engine result pages (SERPS). Search engines like google take into account where you are located when providing you with relevant results based on your location and language preferences . This means that if you want your site to rank well locally then you need to make sure that all of your content is localized for each region or country where you want your site to appear in the local searches . Additionally , having localized versions of your website can help improve user experience by providing them with content tailored specifically for their location which can lead to increased engagement rates and conversions over time .
8.. Voice Search : With voice search becoming increasingly popular due its convenience and accuracy , optimizing for voice queries has become an important part of any successful SEO strategy as this type of query requires different optimization techniques than traditional text-based queries do .. For example , voice queries tend to be longer than text-based ones since people often ask questions rather than just entering keywords into a search box .. As such , optimizing for long tail keywords becomes even more important when trying optimize for voice searches as these types of queries require specific answers rather than just general information about a topic .. Additionally , using natural language processing techniques such as semantic analysis can help ensure better accuracy when responding back with answers related directly relatedto user inquiries..
9.. User Intent : Understanding user intent has always been an integral partof any successful SEO strategy but now understanding how users interactwith websites has become even more critical due its impacton rankings withinsearch engine result pages (SERPs). By analyzing how visitors interactwith websites including things like bounce rateand time spenton pagecan give valuable insights into what kindof content resonates bestwith audiences which helps inform future optimization effortsfor improved rankings within SERPs...
10.. Structured Data Markup : Structured data markupis another waythat businessescan increase visibilitywithin searchengineresultpagesby helping crawlers understandwhatkindofcontentisbeingdisplayedontheirwebsitesaswellasprovidingadditionalcontextaboutthesiteitselfwhichhelpsimproveitsrankingpositionwithinsearchengineresultpages....
11.. Image Optimization : Imagesarebecomingincreasinglyimportantwhenitcomestorankingwellinthesearchengineresultpagesastheyhelpbreakuptextheavycontentandmakeitmoreappealingtouserswhowantquickanswerswithouthavingtoscrollthroughlongblocks oft ext.....Optimizingimagesincludesthingslikeusingdescriptivefilenamesandsettingalttextfortheimageswhichhelpscrawlersunderstandwhattheimagecontainsandhowittiesintooverallthemeofthesite......
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