1. 用户体验不好:由于搜索引擎的变化,如果用户在浏览和使用过程中遇到问题,就会对该网站造成影响。例如:加载速度太慢、内容重复性太大、广告过多、无法正常显示图片文字信息以及其他各方面的问题都会造成用户体验不好。
2. 内容质量差:有些人为了快速上升权重而将内容冗余度很大的新闻作为原创新闻发布出去;有些人将相同的内容在不同的栏目中发布出去;有些人将其他人已发表过的新闻作为原创新闻发布出去;有些人将散乱无章的字眼作为关键词加入到正文中……所有这一切都是对内容质量要求很低。
3. 违背SEO核心理念: SEO是一套思想, 正是因为SEO理念, 搜索引擎才能够根据用户意图, 对相关信息进行整理和归集, 使之能够便于用户浏览. 但是如果一个第三方平台(如seo) 马上就胡乱地“装B” , 违背SEO核心理念 , 那么该平台就会遭遇来自Google/Baidu/Yahoo! 等引 擎对该平台 “惩 处” .
4. 超前衔接: 有时候, SEOer 忽略 Google / Baidu / Yahoo! 等引 擎对URL 的要 求 , 忽當把 URL 超前衔 接 (over-linking), 造成 URL 大量生 长 , 最后使得 Google / Baidu / Yahoo! 等引 擎难以正常地对URL 进行扫 描 .
5. 外部链 : SEOer 忽當把大量无意义的外部链助力 (external link boosting) , 使得Google / Baidu / Yahoo! 等引 擎难以正常地对URL 进行扫 描 .
6. Keyword stuffing : keyword stuffing (keywords stuffing ) (即keywords overuse )是一般seoer 最易出 bug 的地方之一 . keyword stuffing means that the webmaster uses too many keywords in a page or article to make it more attractive to search engines and thus get higher rankings on SERPs . However this practice is not welcomed by search engines as it can lead to poor user experience and even be considered as spamming by them .
7. Cloaking : cloaking is another common mistake made by seoers which involves showing different content to users than what they show to search engine bots when they visit the website for indexing purposes . This practice is also frowned upon by search engines and can result in penalties if detected .
8. Duplicate Content : duplicate content refers to having same or similar content across multiple pages of a website or across multiple websites owned by the same person or organization which can confuse both users and search engine bots leading them away from your site instead of towards it resulting in lower rankings on SERPs due to lack of relevance for certain queries related with such duplicate content pages etcetera..
9. Link Farming & Spamming : link farming & spamming are two other practices which are strictly prohibited by all major search engines including google bing yahoo etcetera because these practices involve creating large number of low quality links pointing back at your own website from various sources like blog comments forums social media profiles etcetera just so that you could increase your ranking artificially without actually providing any value through those links thus making them useless for both users & crawlers alike resulting in penalty being imposed on such sites eventually..
10 Bad Neighbourhoods: bad neighbourhoods refer to linking out from your own website towards other websites which have been penalized already either manually or algorithmically due their involvement in some kind of black hat activities like link farming spamming cloaking etcetera this will cause google bing yahoo etcetera algorithms think that you might be involved with such activities too hence causing penalty being imposed on your own site as well..
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