#include#include void modify_string(char *str[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { str[i] = "Modified"; } } int main() { char *str[] = {"Hello", "World"}; int size = sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]); printf("Before modification: "); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf("%s ", str[i]); } printf(" "); modify_string(str, size); printf("After modification: "); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf("%s ", str[i]); } printf(" "); return 0; }
#include#include void modify_string(char str[][10], int rows, int cols) { for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { str[i][j] = 'M'; } } } int main() { char str[2][10] = {"Hello", "World"}; int rows = sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]); int cols = sizeof(str[0]) / sizeof(str[0][0]); printf("Before modification: "); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { printf("%s ", str[i]); } printf(" "); modify_string(str, rows, cols); printf("After modification: "); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { printf("%s ", str[i]); } printf(" "); return 0; }
#include#include #include #include #include #include // for offsetof macro in stddef.h header file. This is needed to calculate the offset of the string array inside the structure. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your system does not have this header file. Replace it with the appropriate header file if your系统没有这个头文件,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头文件替换它,用适当的头file replaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethisheaderfilereplaceitwiththeappropriateheaderfileifyoursystemdoesnothavethishead
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