
此外还要注意标题、关键词以及图片选择等方面来使得文章在SEO上表现出最佳效果。必然要考虑如何将相关性强 的URL加到当前正圛中去;这样子才能使得我们当前正圛时更加合语义 .3. URL命名:

1. 内容优化:要做好内容优化,就必须注重文字质量。文章中应该有丰富的信息,并且能够吸引用户浏览。此外还要注意标题、关键词以及图片选择等方面来使得文章在SEO上表现出最佳效果。

2. 链接分布: 搜索引擎对于一般性的单独连出去不是很看重, 要想咱们所发布的内容能够在Google上显眼, 必然要考虑如何将相关性强 的URL加到当前正圛中去; 也就是说, 搜索引 擎咱们都理解”contextual link”(相关性) , 这样子才能使得我们当前正圛时更加合语义 .

3. URL命名: URL命名应遵循 SEO 最佳实例 :URL 简单易亲 (short and sweet), 含有 keyword (keywords in the URLs). 4. Meta Tag :Meta Tags作电子版"问天" , Googlebot "问天", meta tags 高度集中了 keywords & description ; 5. Sitemap : sitemap XML file is a list of all pages on your website that you want search engine to index; 6 . Robots txt File :Robots txt file tells search engines which page they should not crawl or index from your site; 7 . Canonicalization Issue Fixing: canonicalization issue occurs when multiple versions of same page are indexed by Search Engines like www vs non-www version or http vs https version etc.; 8 . Image Optimization for SEO: Images play an important role in making content more attractive but it also has potential to improve organic rankings if optimized properly with relevant ALT text and title attributes..






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