Let’s give your computer an extra system: Linux emulator
When it comes to operating systems for computers, most people tend to think of Windows or macOS as their primary choices. However, there’s one more that deserves attention: Linux. Linux is a free, open-source operating system that’s popular among tech enthusiasts, programmers, and developers. While Windows and macOS come with their own perks, Linux has its unique strengths, such as being highly customizable, secure, and configurable.
However, not everyone is familiar with Linux, and switching to it entirely can be a daunting task. That’s where a Linux emulator comes in handy. A Linux emulator allows you to run Linux applications on your existing operating system without needing to install a new system entirely. It can be thought of as a virtual machine that mimics the functions of a Linux system in your current environment.
In this article, we’ll explore some benefits of using a Linux emulator and how to get started.
Advantages of a Linux emulator
1. Access to Linux apps and tools
As we mentioned earlier, Linux is a popular choice for developers and programmers due to its vast array of pre-built tools and libraries. With a Linux emulator, you can run Linux-specific applications on your existing system. For example, if you’re a web developer and work with code editors like Vim, Emacs, or Sublime Text, these editors are designed to work best in a Linux environment. With an emulator, you can run these editors on your existing operating system without needing to switch between different systems.
2. No need to dual-boot
If you’re not tech-savvy, dual-booting can be an intimidating process. You need to partition your hard drive, install a new operating system, allocate resources, and configure GRUB (an interface that allows you to select which operating system to boot into). With a Linux emulator, you don’t need to set up dual-booting. You can have easy access to Linux applications without altering your current setup.
3. Customizability
One of the reasons people prefer Linux is its ability to be customized. With a Linux emulator, you can configure the emulator’s settings to match your preferences. You can choose different desktop environments, set up development environments, configure themes, and use Linux-specific tools to your liking.
Getting started
There are several options to run a Linux emulator on your computer. Some popular ones are:
1. VirtualBox
VirtualBox is a popular open-source virtualization software that allows you to run different operating systems on your computer. It’s free and supports Windows, macOS, Linux, and Solaris. With VirtualBox, you can create virtual machines that run various Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, or Fedora. It’s easy to set up and can be customized to your needs.
2. WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
WSL is a feature in Windows 10 that allows you to run a Linux distribution natively on a Windows system. Unlike a virtual machine, WSL doesn’t emulate hardware, and Linux runs directly on Windows using a Linux kernel. WSL supports many Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and more. The advantage of WSL is that it integrates with Windows File Explorer and allows you to run Linux applications like they’re native Windows apps.
3. Docker
Docker is a popular contnerization tool used in DevOps workflows. It allows you to package an application with its dependencies and run it across various environments. With Docker, you can create a contnerized Linux environment and run Linux applications in it. One advantage of Docker is that it’s lightweight and can be easily shared across different systems.
Using a Linux emulator is an excellent way to get started with Linux if you’re new to it or want to experiment without committing to a dual-boot setup. With the options we’ve presented in this article, you can find a solution that works for your needs. Whether you’re a developer, a power user, or someone who wants to explore the world of Linux, a Linux emulator is a valuable addition to your computer.
16 款免费飞行模拟器游戏
1 Flight Gear 是一个开源的多平台飞行模拟器,使用 SimGear 做为模拟引擎。
2 Danger from the deep (aka dangerdeep) 是一个免费开源的第二次世界大战时期德国潜水艇模拟器
3 GL-117 战斗机模拟器,支持 win/linux
4 Search and Rescue 基于救援直升机的飞行模拟器
5 Vega Strike 3D 空间模拟器,让你在广阔的宇宙中进行贸易和对战
6 Oolite 空间模拟游戏
7 ORBITER 一个超越地球大气限制的飞行模拟器,往返于肯尼迪航空中心与卫星之间
8 Parsec 在线弊明多人 3D 空间大战
9 Targetware 一切由你觉得,做出你想做的各种飞行动作
10 YS Flight linux 和 windows 下的自由飞行模拟器,小众玩了这款,很多按键的说。。。
11 Celestia 空间模拟器,让你在三维空间中浏览宇宙,可以运行在 windows,linux,Mac 平台
12 Decopter 一个虚幻的直升机模拟器
13 FlyingGuns 战斗飞行模拟器
14 MOTE 扩展宇宙空间的模拟游戏,背景设置在遥远的未来,四个党派为了夺取空间控制权而发生的斗阵。弯模
15 Vertigo 一埋卜缓款飞行模拟器,强调现实飞行模式,可选几个样式的飞行和空间飞船,我看这个倒挺像动画的。。。
16 Space Combat 一般最后上来都是更好的,一台自由太空飞船模拟器,你可以操作庞大的太空船,并且自定义太空船的质量尺寸动力等等
aix 基于unix system 5.
aix 不能被x86 也就是迹者我们姿渣薯常用pc机和pc服务器梁巧模拟。07年左右有帖子号称能模拟aix4.始终未见过。
从代码质量 系统强壮度 功能 命令多样性 上全面优于linux。
AIX这种专业服务器,还需雀塌穗要模拟 linux 吗?
选择 AIX 肯定都是限定在 AIX 上面的一些功能和软件了。顷卜如果沦落到在 AIX 上面跑 Linux 软件——先不说 AIX 和 Linux 都是 POSIX 规范的——那这个 AIX 用它干嘛衫卖?IBM 有 Linux 服务器。
大部分服务器用的软件,都可以按照 POSIX 标准,在 AIX 和 Linux 无差别编译的。
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