iOS 导航器包装了 UIKit 导航,并且允许你添加跨应用程序的 back-swipe 功能。
路线是用于描述导航器每个页面的一个对象。第一个提供给 NavigatorIOS 的路线是 initialRoute
render: function() { return (); },
现在将由导航器呈现 MyView。它将在 route
道具,导航器及所有的 passProps
路线完整的定义请看 initialRoute propType。
是视图能够调用的导航函数的一个对象。它作为一个道具会被传递给任何由 NavigatorIOS 呈现的组件。
var MyView = React.createClass({ _handleBackButtonPress: function() { this.props.navigator.pop(); }, _handleNextButtonPress: function() { this.props.navigator.push(nextRoute); }, ... });
——一次返回 N 页。当 N=1 时,该行为相当于 pop()
——取代顶级的项目并 popToTop
导航功能在 NavigatorIOS 组件中也是可用的:
var MyView = React.createClass({ _handleNavigationRequest: function() { this.refs.nav.push(otherRoute); }, render: () => (), });
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initialRoute {组件:函数型,标题:字符串型,passProps:对象型,backButtonTitle:字符串型,rightButtonTitle:字符串型,onRightButtonPress:函数型,wrapperStyle:[对象型Object]}
NavigatorIOS 使用“路线”对象来识别子视图,道具,及导航栏的配置。“push”和所有其他的导航操作预计路线是这样的:
itemWrapperStyle View#style
默认的包为 navigator 中的组件设置样式。一个常见的用例是为每一页设置 backgroundColor
tintColor 字符串型
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'use strict';var React = require('react-native');var ViewExample = require('./ViewExample');var createExamplePage = require('./createExamplePage');var { PixelRatio, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableHighlight, View, } = React;var EmptyPage = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (); }, });var NavigatorIOSExample = React.createClass({ statics: { title: ' {this.props.text} ', description: 'iOS navigation capabilities', }, render: function() { var recurseTitle = 'Recurse Navigation'; if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) { recurseTitle += ' - more examples here'; } return ( ); }, _renderPopToTopNavExample: function() { if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) { return null; } return this._renderRow('Pop to top NavigatorIOSExample', () => { this.props.navigator.popToRoute(this.props.topExampleRoute); }); }, _renderReplacePrevious: function() { if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) { // this is to avoid replacing the UIExplorerList at the top of the stack return null; } return this._renderRow('Replace previous', () => { this.props.navigator.replacePrevious({ title: 'Replaced', component: EmptyPage, passProps: { text: 'This is a replaced "previous" page', }, wrapperStyle: styles.customWrapperStyle, }); }); }, _renderReplacePreviousAndPop: function() { if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) { // this is to avoid replacing the UIExplorerList at the top of the stack return null; } return this._renderRow('Replace previous and pop', () => { this.props.navigator.replacePreviousAndPop({ title: 'Replaced and Popped', component: EmptyPage, passProps: { text: 'This is a replaced "previous" page', }, wrapperStyle: styles.customWrapperStyle, }); }); }, _renderRow: function(title: string, onPress: Function) { return ( See <UIExplorerApp> for top-level usage. {this._renderRow(recurseTitle, () => { this.props.navigator.push({ title: NavigatorIOSExample.title, component: NavigatorIOSExample, backButtonTitle: 'Custom Back', passProps: {topExampleRoute: this.props.topExampleRoute || this.props.route}, }); })} {this._renderRow('Push View Example', () => { this.props.navigator.push({ title: 'Very Long Custom View Example Title', component: createExamplePage(null, ViewExample), }); })} {this._renderRow('Custom Right Button', () => { this.props.navigator.push({ title: NavigatorIOSExample.title, component: EmptyPage, rightButtonTitle: 'Cancel', onRightButtonPress: () => this.props.navigator.pop(), passProps: { text: 'This page has a right button in the nav bar', } }); })} {this._renderRow('Pop', () => { this.props.navigator.pop(); })} {this._renderRow('Pop to top', () => { this.props.navigator.popToTop(); })} {this._renderRow('Replace here', () => { var prevRoute = this.props.route; this.props.navigator.replace({ title: 'New Navigation', component: EmptyPage, rightButtonTitle: 'Undo', onRightButtonPress: () => this.props.navigator.replace(prevRoute), passProps: { text: 'The component is replaced, but there is currently no ' + 'way to change the right button or title of the current route', } }); })} {this._renderReplacePrevious()} {this._renderReplacePreviousAndPop()} {this._renderPopToTopNavExample()} ); }, });var styles = StyleSheet.create({ customWrapperStyle: { backgroundColor: '#bbdddd', }, emptyPage: { flex: 1, paddingTop: 64, }, emptyPageText: { margin: 10, }, list: { backgroundColor: '#eeeeee', marginTop: 10, }, group: { backgroundColor: 'white', }, groupSpace: { height: 15, }, line: { backgroundColor: '#bbbbbb', height: 1 / PixelRatio.get(), }, row: { backgroundColor: 'white', justifyContent: 'center', paddingHorizontal: 15, paddingVertical: 15, }, separator: { height: 1 / PixelRatio.get(), backgroundColor: '#bbbbbb', marginLeft: 15, }, rowNote: { fontSize: 17, }, rowText: { fontSize: 17, fontWeight: '500', }, });module.exports = NavigatorIOSExample; {title}
本文标题:创新互联React教程:iOS 导航器
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