
linux is a popular open source operating system. It is used by many businesses and individuals to manage computer systems. In Linux, every file and folder has a set of access permissions, which determines who can READ, write, or execute it. these permissions are referred to as “file attributes” and they are responsible for setting the degree of control a user has over a given file. Knowing how to set the correct file attributes can help you keep your system secure and organized.

The command used to modify the permissions of a file or folder in Linux is ‘chmod’. This command stands for “Change Mode” and it takes an argument for the type of change to be made. Basically, the argument consists of three digits which represents the user, group and other read, write and execute permissions. For example, you can use the following command to assign read, write and execute permissions to a file:

`chmod 755 filename`

This command will grant read, write and execute permissions to the user, read and execute permissions to the group, and only read permissions to “other”. Here, the first digit is the read, write and execute permissions for the user. The second digit is the read and execute permissions for the group, and the third digit is the read permissions for other.

You can also set permissions for symbolic links using the same `chmod` command. Symbolic links are essentially shortcuts to other files or folders. Here, the numeric argument you use is slightly different. The numeric argument is usually something like 4755. Here, 4 is the read and write permissions for the user, 7 is the read and execute permission for the group and 5 is the read permission for other.

When setting file permissions, you should also be aware of the type of file you are setting permissions for. For example, executable files typically need to have read and execute permissions set for the group and other.

In short, setting the correct permissions on files is an important part of maintaining a secure and organized Linux system. The `chmod` command is used to modify the permissions of a file or folder. This command takes a numeric argument, which is used to specify the read, write and execute permissions for the user, group and other. Finally, you should also take into account the type of file when setting permissions.





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