本文转载自微信公众号「游戏不存在」,作者肖恩 。转载本文请联系游戏不存在公众号。
requests的单元测试代码全部在 tests 目录,使用 pytest.ini 进行配置。测试除pytest外,还需要安装:
库名 | 描述 |
httpbin | 一个使用flask实现的http服务,可以客户端定义http响应,主要用于测试http协议 |
pytest-httpbin | pytest的插件,封装httpbin的实现 |
pytest-mock | pytest的插件,提供mock |
pytest-cov | pytest的插件,提供覆盖率 |
上述依赖 master 版本在requirement-dev文件中定义;2.24.0版本会在pipenv中定义。
测试用例使用make命令,子命令在Makefile中定义, 使用make ci运行所有单元测试结果如下:
- $ make ci
- pytest tests --junitxml=report.xml
- ======================================================================================================= test session starts =======================================================================================================
- platform linux -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-3.10.1, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
- rootdir: /home/work6/project/requests, inifile: pytest.ini
- plugins: mock-2.0.0, httpbin-1.0.0, cov-2.9.0
- collected 552 items
- tests/test_help.py ... [ 0%]
- tests/test_hooks.py ... [ 1%]
- tests/test_lowlevel.py ............... [ 3%]
- tests/test_packages.py ... [ 4%]
- tests/test_requests.py .................................................................................................................................................................................................... [ 39%]
- - - [10/Aug/2021 08:41:53] "GET /stream/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 756
- . - - [10/Aug/2021 08:41:53] "GET /stream/4 HTTP/1.1" 500 59
- ----------------------------------------
- Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 46048)
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/wsgiref/handlers.py", line 138, in run
- self.finish_response()
- x......................................................................................... [ 56%]
- tests/test_structures.py .................... [ 59%]
- tests/test_testserver.py ......s.... [ 61%]
- tests/test_utils.py ..s................................................................................................................................................................................................ssss [ 98%]
- ssssss..... [100%]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generated xml file: /home/work6/project/requests/report.xml -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ======================================================================================= 539 passed, 12 skipped, 1 xfailed in 64.16 seconds ========================================================================================
可以看到requests在1分钟内,总共通过了539个测试用例,效果还是不错。使用 make coverage 查看单元测试覆盖率:
- $ make coverage
- ----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.6.8-final-0 -----------
- Name Stmts Miss Cover
- -------------------------------------------------
- requests/__init__.py 71 71 0%
- requests/__version__.py 10 10 0%
- requests/_internal_utils.py 16 5 69%
- requests/adapters.py 222 67 70%
- requests/api.py 20 13 35%
- requests/auth.py 174 54 69%
- requests/certs.py 4 4 0%
- requests/compat.py 47 47 0%
- requests/cookies.py 238 115 52%
- requests/exceptions.py 35 29 17%
- requests/help.py 63 19 70%
- requests/hooks.py 15 4 73%
- requests/models.py 455 119 74%
- requests/packages.py 16 16 0%
- requests/sessions.py 283 67 76%
- requests/status_codes.py 15 15 0%
- requests/structures.py 40 19 52%
- requests/utils.py 465 170 63%
- -------------------------------------------------
- TOTAL 2189 844 61%
- Coverage XML written to file coverage.xml
文件 | 描述 |
compat | python2和python3兼容 |
conftest | pytest配置 |
test_help,test_packages,test_hooks,test_structures | 简单测试类 |
utils.py | 工具函数 |
test_utils | 测试工具函数 |
test_requests | 测试requests |
testserver\server | 模拟服务 |
test_testserver | 模拟服务测试 |
test_lowlevel | 使用模拟服务测试模拟网络测试 |
先从最简单的test_help上手,测试类和被测试对象命名是对应的。先看看被测试的模块help.py。这个模块主要是2个函数 info 和 _implementation:
- import idna
- def _implementation():
- ...
- def info():
- ...
- system_ssl = ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER
- system_ssl_info = {
- 'version': '%x' % system_ssl if system_ssl is not None else ''
- }
- idna_info = {
- 'version': getattr(idna, '__version__', ''),
- }
- ...
- return {
- 'platform': platform_info,
- 'implementation': implementation_info,
- 'system_ssl': system_ssl_info,
- 'using_pyopenssl': pyopenssl is not None,
- 'pyOpenSSL': pyopenssl_info,
- 'urllib3': urllib3_info,
- 'chardet': chardet_info,
- 'cryptography': cryptography_info,
- 'idna': idna_info,
- 'requests': {
- 'version': requests_version,
- },
- }
- from requests.help import info
- def test_system_ssl():
- """Verify we're actually setting system_ssl when it should be available."""
- assert info()['system_ssl']['version'] != ''
- class VersionedPackage(object):
- def __init__(self, version):
- self.__version__ = version
- def test_idna_without_version_attribute(mocker):
- """Older versions of IDNA don't provide a __version__ attribute, verify
- that if we have such a package, we don't blow up.
- """
- mocker.patch('requests.help.idna', new=None)
- assert info()['idna'] == {'version': ''}
- def test_idna_with_version_attribute(mocker):
- """Verify we're actually setting idna version when it should be available."""
- mocker.patch('requests.help.idna', new=VersionedPackage('2.6'))
- assert info()['idna'] == {'version': '2.6'}
- # 模拟空实现
- mocker.patch('requests.help.idna', new=None)
- # 模拟版本2.6
- mocker.patch('requests.help.idna', new=VersionedPackage('2.6'))
可能大家会比较奇怪,这里patch模拟的是 requests.help.idna , 而我们在help中导入的是 inda 模块。这是因为在requests.packages中对inda进行了模块名重定向:
- for package in ('urllib3', 'idna', 'chardet'):
- locals()[package] = __import__(package)
- # This traversal is apparently necessary such that the identities are
- # preserved (requests.packages.urllib3.* is urllib3.*)
- for mod in list(sys.modules):
- if mod == package or mod.startswith(package + '.'):
- sys.modules['requests.packages.' + mod] = sys.modules[mod]
- from requests import hooks
- def hook(value):
- return value[1:]
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- 'hooks_list, result', (
- (hook, 'ata'),
- ([hook, lambda x: None, hook], 'ta'),
- )
- )
- def test_hooks(hooks_list, result):
- assert hooks.dispatch_hook('response', {'response': hooks_list}, 'Data') == result
- def test_default_hooks():
- assert hooks.default_hooks() == {'response': []}
- def dispatch_hook(key, hooks, hook_data, **kwargs):
- """Dispatches a hook dictionary on a given piece of data."""
- hooks = hooks or {}
- hooks = hooks.get(key)
- if hooks:
- # 判断钩子函数
- if hasattr(hooks, '__call__'):
- hooks = [hooks]
- for hook in hooks:
- _hook_data = hook(hook_data, **kwargs)
- if _hook_data is not None:
- hook_data = _hook_data
- return hook_data
pytest.mark.parametrize提供了2组参数进行测试。第一组参数hook和ata很简单,hook是一个函数,会对参数裁剪,去掉首位,ata是期望的返回值。test_hooks的response的参数是Data,所以结果应该是ata。第二组参数中的第一个参数会复杂一些,变成了一个数组,首位还是hook函数,中间使用一个匿名函数,匿名函数没有返回值,这样覆盖到 if _hook_data is not None: 的旁路分支。执行过程如下:
经过测试可以发现dispatch_hook的设计十分巧妙,使用pipeline模式,将所有的钩子串起来,这是和事件机制不一样的地方。细心的话,我们可以发现 if hooks: 并未进行旁路测试,这个不够严谨,有违我们的第3个技巧:
- class TestLookupDict:
- @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
- def setup(self):
- """LookupDict instance with "bad_gateway" attribute."""
- self.lookup_dict = LookupDict('test')
- self.lookup_dict.bad_gateway = 502
- def test_repr(self):
- assert repr(self.lookup_dict) == "
" - get_item_parameters = pytest.mark.parametrize(
- 'key, value', (
- ('bad_gateway', 502),
- ('not_a_key', None)
- )
- )
- @get_item_parameters
- def test_getitem(self, key, value):
- assert self.lookup_dict[key] == value
- @get_item_parameters
- def test_get(self, key, value):
- assert self.lookup_dict.get(key) == value
- class LookupDict(dict):
- ...
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- # We allow fall-through here, so values default to None
- return self.__dict__.get(key, None)
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- return self.__dict__.get(key, default)
- class TestCaseInsensitiveDict:
- # 类测试
- def test_repr(self):
- assert repr(self.case_insensitive_dict) == "{'Accept': 'application/json'}"
- def test_copy(self):
- copy = self.case_insensitive_dict.copy()
- assert copy is not self.case_insensitive_dict
- assert copy == self.case_insensitive_dict
- class TestCaseInsensitiveDict:
- # 使用方法测试
- def test_delitem(self):
- cid = CaseInsensitiveDict()
- cid['Spam'] = 'someval'
- del cid['sPam']
- assert 'spam' not in cid
- assert len(cid) == 0
- def test_contains(self):
- cid = CaseInsensitiveDict()
- cid['Spam'] = 'someval'
- assert 'Spam' in cid
- assert 'spam' in cid
- assert 'SPAM' in cid
- assert 'sPam' in cid
- assert 'notspam' not in cid
- import contextlib
- import os
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def override_environ(**kwargs):
- save_env = dict(os.environ)
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- if value is None:
- del os.environ[key]
- else:
- os.environ[key] = value
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- os.environ.clear()
- os.environ.update(save_env)
- # test_requests.py
- kwargs = {
- var: proxy
- }
- # 模拟控制proxy环境变量
- with override_environ(**kwargs):
- proxies = session.rebuild_proxies(prep, {})
- def rebuild_proxies(self, prepared_request, proxies):
- bypass_proxy = should_bypass_proxies(url, no_proxy=no_proxy)
- def should_bypass_proxies(url, no_proxy):
- ...
- get_proxy = lambda k: os.environ.get(k) or os.environ.get(k.upper())
- ...
- # 对象转列表
- def to_key_val_list(value):
- if value is None:
- return None
- if isinstance(value, (str, bytes, bool, int)):
- raise ValueError('cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples')
- if isinstance(value, Mapping):
- value = value.items()
- return list(value)
- class TestToKeyValList:
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- 'value, expected', (
- ([('key', 'val')], [('key', 'val')]),
- ((('key', 'val'), ), [('key', 'val')]),
- ({'key': 'val'}, [('key', 'val')]),
- (None, None)
- ))
- def test_valid(self, value, expected):
- assert to_key_val_list(value) == expected
- def test_invalid(self):
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- to_key_val_list('string')
- class TestSuperLen:
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- 'stream, value', (
- (StringIO.StringIO, 'Test'),
- (BytesIO, b'Test'),
- pytest.param(cStringIO, 'Test',
- marks=pytest.mark.skipif('cStringIO is None')),
- ))
- def test_io_streams(self, stream, value):
- """Ensures that we properly deal with different kinds of IO streams."""
- assert super_len(stream()) == 0
- assert super_len(stream(value)) == 4
- def test_super_len_correctly_calculates_len_of_partially_read_file(self):
- """Ensure that we handle partially consumed file like objects."""
- s = StringIO.StringIO()
- s.write('foobarbogus')
- assert super_len(s) == 0
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- 'mode, warnings_num', (
- ('r', 1),
- ('rb', 0),
- ))
- def test_file(self, tmpdir, mode, warnings_num, recwarn):
- file_obj = tmpdir.join('test.txt')
- file_obj.write('Test')
- with file_obj.open(mode) as fd:
- assert super_len(fd) == 4
- assert len(recwarn) == warnings_num
- def test_super_len_with_tell(self):
- foo = StringIO.StringIO('12345')
- assert super_len(foo) == 5
- foo.read(2)
- assert super_len(foo) == 3
- def test_super_len_with_fileno(self):
- with open(__file__, 'rb') as f:
- length = super_len(f)
- file_data = f.read()
- assert length == len(file_data)
类 | 功能 |
TestRequests | requests业务测试 |
TestCaseInsensitiveDict | 大小写不敏感的字典测试 |
TestMorselToCookieExpires | cookie过期测试 |
TestMorselToCookieMaxAge | cookie大小 |
TestTimeout | 响应超时的测试 |
TestPreparingURLs | URL预处理 |
... | 一些零碎的测试用例 |
坦率的讲:这个测试用例内容庞大,达到2500行。看起来是针对各种业务的零散case,我并没有完全理顺其组织逻辑。我选择一些感兴趣的业务进行介绍, 先看TimeOut的测试:
- TARPIT = ''
- class TestTimeout:
- def test_stream_timeout(self, httpbin):
- try:
- requests.get(httpbin('delay/10'), timeout=2.0)
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
- assert 'Read timed out' in e.args[0].args[0]
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- 'timeout', (
- (0.1, None),
- Urllib3Timeout(connect=0.1, read=None)
- ))
- def test_connect_timeout(self, timeout):
- try:
- requests.get(TARPIT, timeout=timeout)
- pytest.fail('The connect() request should time out.')
- except ConnectTimeout as e:
- assert isinstance(e, ConnectionError)
- assert isinstance(e, Timeout)
- class TestRequests:
- def test_basic_building(self):
- &nbs
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