


sudo serviceshdrestart [服务名称]

`[服务名称]`是你想要重启的服务的名称,如果你想要重启Apache Web服务器,你可以输入:

sudo serviceshdrestart apache2






systemctl list-units --type=service --state=enabled







sudo apt-get remove –purge apache2-common apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php *apache* *apache2* /etc/init.d/*apache* /usr/share/doc/*apache* /usr/share/man/*apache* /usr/share/apache/* /usr/lib/apache/* /usr/local/lib/apache/* ~/.a2enconf/* ~/.a2enhdr/* ~/.a2ensite/* ~/.a2envars/* ~/.a2dissite/* ~/.a2disconfig/* ~/.a2penv/* ~/.a2updateenv/* ~/.a2cpanfile > /dev/null && sudo cpan -ivDB < ~/.a2penv && sudo cpan -ivDB < ~/.a2updateenv && sudo cpan -ivDB < ~/.a2cpanfile && sudo a2dissite $1 && sudo a2ensite $1 && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemctl reload apache2.service && sudo systemctl restart apache2.service && sudo systemctl enable apache2.service && sudo systemctl status apache2.service && sudo systemkit start httpd > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start Apache” >&1; exit $?; fi; service httpd start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start Apache” >&1; exit $?; fi; service php-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service mysql start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start MySQL” >&1; exit $?; service postfix start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start Postfix” >&1; exit $?; service dovecot start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start Dovecot” >&1; exit $?; service vsftpd start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start vsftpd” >&1; exit $?; service sshd start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start SSHD” >&1; exit $?; service proftpd start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start ProFTPD” >&1; exit $?; service lighttpd start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start LightTPD” >&1; exit $?; service subversion start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start Subversion” >&1; exit $?; service gitlab-ce start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start GitLab CE” >&1; exit $?; service php74-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP74-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php75-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP75-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php76-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP76-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php77-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP77-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php78-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP78-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php79-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP79-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php80-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP80-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php81-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP81-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php83-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP83-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php84-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP84-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php85-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP85-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php86-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP86-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php87-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP87-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php88-fpm start > /dev/null || echo “Failed to start PHP88-FPM” >&1; exit $?; service php89-fpm start > /0rder fpm >






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