
一、SEO新手面对新网站应该如何去优化1. 了解搜索引擎的工作原理:5. 针对特定页面进行优化:SEO新手面对新网站应该如何去优化的相关知识。一、SEO新手面对新网站应该如何去优化


1. 了解搜索引擎的工作原理:要想做好SEO,就必须先了解搜索引擎是怎么工作的。这样可以帮助我们制定出有效的SEO优化方法。

2. 关注用户体验:在做SEO时,不能只考虑搜索引擎的因素,同时也要考虑用户体验因素。为此,应当重视内容、界面、速度三者之间的平衡关系。

3. 提升外部权重: 通过外部权重来促进新站上升到Google前几名中, 这是很有效的seo优化方法, 可以通过友情链接、相关行业问答平台、相关行业高PR垂直门户站 等方式来实施外部权重优化。

4. 把内容归集到一个地方: 如将所有内容归集到一个地方(例如blog) , 进行大量内部链接, 进而使得googlebot能够快速浏览资料, 最大化seo效益;

5. 针对特定页面进行优化: SEO不光是要对整站做总体性优化, 还要根据特定页面特征去局部性优化; 比如标明title tag/meta description/h1-h6 tag/alt text 等;

6. 处理404 Not Found : 404 not found page是一般website上常遇到的问题之一; 如遭遇404 not found page时, 应该尽快将page redirect to a relevant page or homepage ;

7. 高效追随Google Algorithm Update : Google algorithm update is always changing and it's important for us to keep up with the latest updates in order to optimize our website effectively . We should pay attention to the changes of google algorithm and adjust our optimization strategy accordingly .

8. 精准测试 : SEO不光是看rankings , 更应该看conversion rate ; 针对不同keywords / landing pages / content types / user segments 等 , 进行A/B testing & multivariate testing , 令website conversion rate 最大化 ;

9. Monitor Competitors' Performance : It's also important for us to monitor competitors' performance in order to stay ahead of them . By monitoring their rankings & traffic sources & backlinks etc., we can get some insights on how they are doing better than us and make adjustments accordingly .

10. Keep Learning New Things : Last but not least , SEO is an ever-changing field so it's important for us as SEO professionals to keep learning new things all the time in order to stay ahead of the game . There are lots of resources available online such as blogs & forums where we can learn from other experienced professionals about what works best when it comes to optimizing websites for search engines .




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