
覆盖关键字、内容制作、代理/回链/PR 拉新都是重要方法之一;a). 站内优化:一、什么是SEO


1. SEO的全称为Search Engine Optimization,即搜索引擎优化。它是一项在互联网上进行站内外优化,使得目标用户能够通过各大搜索引擎找到你的服务和产品而不断发展壮大的工作。

2. SEO既可以帮助你在各大广告中心赚取流量(如Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Yahoo! Search Marketing 等) ;也能帮助你减少对广告中心依赖度(Organic Traffic) 。

3. 对SEO来说:覆盖关键字、内容制作、代理/回链/PR 拉新都是重要方法之一; 而正当遵循 Google Webmaster Guidelines (GWG), 高效追随Google Algorithm Updates , 建立High Quality Links & Content Network 来保证Website Authority & Trustworthiness 是本套教学将覆盖的核心部分之一 。


1. SEO原理: a). 站内优化: 通过对Title Tag / Meta Description / H Tags / Alt Texts 等HTML Elements 进行Optimization ; b). 多页URL Structure : URL Rewrite Rules + Canonical URLs ; c). Internal Linking Structures : Anchor Texts + Keyword Density Analysis d ). Site Speed Optimizations e ). Mobile Friendly Design f ) Schema Markup g ) Rich Snippets h ). Social Media Integration i.) Image Compression j .) Robots File k.). Sitemap l.) 404 Error Pages m.). 301 Redirections n .) Website Security o . Local Business Listings p . Geo-Targeted Landing Pages q .) User Experience r.) A/B Testing s.). Conversion Rate Optimization t). Analytics Setup u ). Reporting v .. etc.. 2. SEO方法: a) On Page Factors - Title Tag, Meta Descriptions , Headers and Body Copy b ) Off Page Factors - Backlinks Building Strategies c ) Technical Aspects – Crawling and Indexing Issues d) Analytical Tools – Google Analytics e)) Competitor Analysis f )) Monitoring Rankings g)). Etc…

三、SEo工具使用 1 . SEMrush : 本套教学将介绍如何使用 SEMrush Toolbox to Monitor Organic Traffic Trends for Your Website as well as Competitors’ Websites; How to Perform Keyword Research with the help of this tool; How to Track SERP Positions for Targeted Queries in Different Countries or Regions etc... 2 . Ahrefs : 本套教学将介绍Ahrefs Toolbox which is used mainly for backlink analysis purposes such as finding out what are your competitors’ backlinks sources so that you can replicate them too in order to gain more authority over time 3 . Moz Pro Suite of Tools including Open Site Explorer (OSE): This suite includes tools like OSE which helps you analyze your website's link profile by providing detailed information about its linking domains 4




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